
樓主 |
發表於 22-3-2013 22:12:05
Give me a freaking break! "只要唔好用立法和同性婚搞我就得" no one is interested in u We ga ...
icyhugs 發表於 21-3-2013 12:42 AM 
You're right. Definitely you gays have your own taste. But :
1) if the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance (SODO) is passed, you can stop my saying here and even sue against me only when you just simply feel offended/harassed. And
2) some are fervently advocating gay marriage which totally distorts the meaning of current marriage, turning the existing marriage system upside down. As long as the majority want it, I have nothing to say; but honestly I don't buy this.
Well, you too please give me a freaking break. You shared your gay pride parade (I found no pride at all "from my personal perspective) and hiking, no one stops you. No one speaks against you. I just don't know how to "appreciate" it. So leave me alone. Yet if you insist, welcome to chat at 12" beta my Ass page.
你說得很對。 基民有他們的口味。 但:
1. 若性傾向歧視法例通過,只要你覺得受冒犯/騷擾,已可終止我的言論,甚致去平機會控告我。 你用公帑; 我要自己掏銀包燒食紙... :p
2. 一些人正爭取同性婚姻合法化 (其實肛交非刑事化也同時去道德化嗎?)。 於我,這會對現有的婚姻制度帶來翻天覆地的改變。 如果社會真想徹底來一場性革命,我無話可話,但我不敢苟同。 :cool:
其實敬請包容我,你分享你的同志驕傲遊行,無人阻你,鬧你,只是我不懂欣賞; 同理,由得我,這是言論自由的社會。 接納不等於認同; 不認同不等如歧視。 :o若你堅持要討論,就去12 " Beta Page 我要低俗喜劇的... 驢仔~ :( |