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樓主: squll

[Medicom] MEDICOM RAH NEO 初号機 起動!(New pic on P.2)

發表於 27-2-2013 16:55:18 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 27-2-2013 17:20:27 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 28-2-2013 09:36:05 | 顯示全部樓層
德哥, 隻手有得換架.....如果真係爆...咪問超人睇下有冇得配囉

不過如果係經常拎黎玩.....就有好大風 ...
Usteakum 發表於 27-2-2013 03:49 PM

I believedthat  "auto broken" will be appeared after 1-2 years.  So, I don't think anyone can help afterwards... So... :(
發表於 28-2-2013 10:35:06 | 顯示全部樓層
I believedthat  "auto broken" will be appeared after 1-2 years.  So, I don't think anyone can he ...
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 28-2-2013 09:36 AM

    時間上都好睇玩者點玩....呢層好難有一個準則, 可以好快或者好耐都唔定既...
不過其實爆左之後, 你曲手臂係睇唔到...如果直放手, 因為入面都係黑色...其實都唔覺眼..最少我係留意唔到.....
發表於 28-2-2013 10:39:35 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 49# Usteakum


發表於 28-2-2013 10:42:02 | 顯示全部樓層
時間上都好睇玩者點玩....呢層好難有一個準則, 可以好快或者好耐都唔定既...
不過其實爆左之後, ...
Usteakum 發表於 28-2-2013 10:35 AM

After the nightmare of The First/The Next, I have a great concern for the durability... Cause, it is really a bad feeling when you see your lovely collection broken automatically... :die:
發表於 28-2-2013 11:03:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Usteakum

你好 發表於 28-2-2013 10:39 AM

還未.....昨晚有聚會, 回家時太夜了......過2天試一試...謝謝提醒
發表於 28-2-2013 11:06:56 | 顯示全部樓層
After the nightmare of The First/The Next, I have a great concern for the durability... Cause, i ...
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 28-2-2013 10:42 AM

    明白你感受! 我想念起我隻七劍........:79:
    不過講真...對於今昤今日既M記FIGURE...我唔係好信佢會自然爆...德哥係咪某一種軟膠先會咁....我入左玄野計(麗佳)同會場悟空...我成日把玩....都無任何問題, 反而係人為意外跌斷左D武器就真
發表於 28-2-2013 11:18:29 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 53# Usteakum

發表於 28-2-2013 12:25:11 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  Usteakum

你好 發表於 28-2-2013 11:18 AM

TOUCH WOOD......我還未遇過不幸事件...可能我唔玩拉打...不過初號算係已經見識到了
發表於 28-2-2013 13:37:11 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 28-2-2013 14:07:56 | 顯示全部樓層
明白你感受! 我想念起我隻七劍........
    不過講真...對於今昤今日既M記FIGURE...我唔係好 ...
Usteakum 發表於 28-2-2013 11:06 AM

I properly have over 20 Medicom figures so far. The oldest versions I got were The Next V3, DEN-O Sword, Strike Forms and Nega DEN-O. They are still fine so far. No worn out or broken joints. For my experiences, I usually wash my hands before touching any 12" figures or Chogokin. I have oily fingers sometime. Just try to avoid adding any extra chemical on the figure itself. I do the same before putting the figures back to the boxes.

Medicom Japan has pretty good customer service. The Rider Gatack I purchased from eBay didn't include the correct hands. The HK seller was willing to do an exchange for me with his agent or shop in HK. However, I needed to ship the incorrect hands back to them. The shipping was quite high. I decided to email to Medicom Japan directly and submitted couple photos. They shipped the correct hands to me without any charges. It was an overnight international shipping and one of the best customer services I had.
發表於 28-2-2013 15:25:37 | 顯示全部樓層
I properly have over 20 Medicom figures so far. The oldest versions I got were The Next V3, DEN- ...
squll 發表於 28-2-2013 02:07 PM

    SQULL 多謝分享!!!提到CS, 我想了解多D.....隻產品過左好耐例如一年都仲有WARRANTY嗎???仲要INTERNATIONAL???
 樓主| 發表於 28-2-2013 16:31:28 | 顯示全部樓層
SQULL 多謝分享!!!提到CS, 我想了解多D.....隻產品過左好耐例如一年都仲有WARRANTY嗎???仲要INTE ...
Usteakum 發表於 28-2-2013 03:25 PM

They properly have one year warranty. They did honor my request within the first year of ownership. However, they didn't ask for any receipt for proof of purchase. They just asked to take couple shots of the figure and three incorrect hands. They approved my case next day and gave me the tracking no for overnight shipping. No need to send the incorrect hands back to Japan. It was very fast process. They shipped it to US free of charge.

It is properly the same way store owner deal with the problem figures. Hope it helps.
發表於 28-2-2013 16:34:26 | 顯示全部樓層
They properly have one year warranty. They did honor my request within the first year of ownersh ...
squll 發表於 28-2-2013 04:31 PM

WONDERFUL WOR 真係~!!! 所以有事我會交比超人處理....SO FAR我買完有時都係搵佢地(係佢地度買), 不過好彩過左咁耐都未出事
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