马来西亚哩度嘅价钱唔系好贵,马币RM448,不过无头雕,只手臂成个TALK TO THE HAND咁款,条颈又缩骨遮咁样,只系对脚弹下弹下抽筋咁,一D建树都无,又觉得好废柴,,,
HOT TOYS开哩条LINE,好似有D跌左落地执返喳沙嘅感觉...
Saw the actual product at store. It looks better than the photos and I would rather order this than the 1/4 head and chest statue. Still 50/50 deciding.........
seem like HT take this opportunity and not holding any back to illustrate their passion and creative on toys, instead of profit making but it still not able to pose the 'iron man on flying' movemen also limited. sound like cantonese saying ’唔汤唔水' & '有姿势,无实际'
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