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樓主: hondacl7

唔好去 pre-order! 好差!

發表於 8-12-2012 00:26:27 | 顯示全部樓層
can credit card company do something?
發表於 8-12-2012 08:08:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 wingsiu 於 8-12-2012 08:13 AM 編輯
It is my first time order from them, so I can;t comment how good or bad the products it shipped. ...
hondacl7 發表於 7-12-2012 11:38 PM

    amiami基本上好難買到hot products, 我地美加衣D徐非唔訓及住啦。 次次upload野都系我地深夜,D熱門野直頭唔會up上 facebook。 我EX黃金無一次pre-order成功.  所以我好少去佢地度買, anime export會成為我第二個選擇。佢地今次無只 super 1俾你, 咁佢只會退俾唔到你果只貨ge錢俾你羅,我都明白full pay左收唔到貨系人都興架啦

其實據我經驗,一般日網買野徐非系俾唔到貨你,唔系一般佢地都唔會俾我地cut order. 所以你pre order另外兩樣野佢地系唔會退錢俾你。 佢地D規矩是欠缺人性化架啦。我都好同情CHING你。 好似就今日咁系amiami有兩個order我因為忙唔得閒俾錢, 咁我發現後想話可唔可以將兩個order combine 一齊等我save some shipping, 佢地話因為order past due所以唔可以改....
我只系提供下我自己系AE買過野經驗, 俾你參考下, 最後決定都系你自己做啦, 希望一切順利:77:
 樓主| 發表於 11-12-2012 23:13:03 | 顯示全部樓層
End up after dispute with paypal, they agree to refund the pre-order on SHF rider man & MB Exia.  But they didn't refund me the Super 1 and order already cancelled! Since the super 1 was pre-order on Aug so I can't file a dispute with paypal...
發表於 13-12-2012 13:17:08 | 顯示全部樓層
End up after dispute with paypal, they agree to refund the pre-order on SHF rider man & MB Exia.  Bu ...
hondacl7 發表於 11-12-2012 11:13 PM

    咁姐系吃左你只super1 D錢又冇貨俾你?咁就好離譜播
 樓主| 發表於 14-12-2012 23:05:39 | 顯示全部樓層
咁姐系吃左你只super1 D錢又冇貨俾你?咁就好離譜播
wingsiu 發表於 13-12-2012 01:17 PM

    係! 食左我三千 yen! 我唔係向 paypal complaint, 佢連 MB Exia 果萬幾 yen 都想食埋 :53:
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