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[公共車] 見證一個時代的結束 -- 向九巴熱狗作最後致敬!! (長文, 多圖注意)

發表於 15-5-2012 17:20:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 SuperBus 於 15-5-2012 05:25 PM 編輯

To Witness A End Of Generation -- Farewell KMB "Hot Dog" Buses!!

(麻帆良市時報記者 / 桜高輕音部記者琴吹 紬報導)
(By Kotobuki Tsumugi, Mahora City Times and Light Music Club of Sakuragaoka Girl's High School')
2012 年 5 月 8 日, 係香港巴士史上一個特別嘅日子,
因為九巴車隊內俗稱 "熱狗" 嘅非空調巴士,
喺呢一日最後一日喺仲未全空調化嘅路線行走, 為市民服務,
隨住最後一架 "熱狗" 巴士完成當日最後一轉行程到達目的地,
同時亦表示九巴所有路線由第二日, 2012 年 5 月 9 日開始,

今日, 麻帆良市隆重歡迎本市最新巴士 -- Volvo Olympian 11m 登場!
呢架巴士係九巴於 1994 年引入嘅最後一批為數 30 架 "熱狗" 巴士嘅其中之一,
佢地本來係空調巴士底盤, 但係遭受當時政府同壓力團體嘅壓力,
要求唔好引入太多空調巴士同引入更多 "熱狗" 巴士, 令市民有得選擇,
呢批巴士就此成為左呢個背景之下嘅犧牲品, 2012 年 5 月 8 日,
"熱狗" 巴士最後一日服務, 呢批巴士亦成為最後一批服務乘客嘅 "熱狗" 巴士,
同時亦喺完成最後一程之後, 最後一批功成身退, 由九巴車隊退下,
麻帆良市市長 Super Bus 話, 對於九巴 "熱狗" 全數退役感到可惜,
因為佢由小大都搭呢D巴士四圍去, 可以話陪住一齊成長, 留下好多嘅回憶,
而呢批 Volvo "熱狗" 巴士亦係佢至鍾意嘅巴士車款之一, 因為佢地可以去得好快,
原因係因為佢地唔洗再行冷氣, 引擎馬力亦相對更加強而有力, 行公路亦可以去得快,
隨住所有 "熱狗" 消失, Super Bus 話, 佢依家只有靠巴士相片,

隆重歡迎!! 九巴最後 "熱狗" -- Volvo Olympian 11m, 見參!!

8th May, 2012, a special day of Hong Kong bus history,
because the remain non-air-conditioned buses in the fleet of Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB),
or so-called "hot dog" buses, were provided the last day of service in
servel routes which still provide non-air-conditioned bus on this day,
with the last "hot dog" bus finished its last trip and arrived its final destination,
it marked the end of the non-air-conditioned buses service and become history,
it also means all routes of KMB were become all air-conditioned bus service
started from next day, 9th May, 2012.

And today, Mahora city warmly to welcome our newest bus of this city just arrived today!!
This Volvo Olympian 11m is one of the last batch of 30 "hot dog" buses introduced in 1994
which originally are air-conditioned bus chassis,  but due to the pressure from
government and advocacy groups on that time that don't introduce too many air-conditioned buses,
but more "hot dog" buses instead so let passengers can make their own choice,
then these buses were become the prey in this situation, in 8th May, 2012,
the last day of "hot dog" service, they also became the last batch of "hot dog" buses
to service and last batch to withdrawn from KMB fleet after their last trip,
Super Bus, the Mayor of Mahora City, said that it's sad to see the last batch of "hot dog" buses
withdrawn from KMB bus service and become history of Hong Kong transport,
because he always took them to go anywhere since he was young,
and just like grow up with them together, there are lots of memory with them,
also these Volvo "hot dog" buses are one of his favorite buses because they can go fast,
it is because since their engine don't need to run the air-condition system anymore,
then they became more powerful and very fast on highway,
with all "hot dog" buses are gone, he said that now he can only from the bus photos, books
and his model buses collection to bring up his memory of these buses from his mind.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome -- our newest bus of Mahora City--
the KMB last "hot dog" -- Volvo Olympian 11m!!

證書編號 0025, 全球限量 1800 架
Certified umber 0025 of only 1800 producted.

正式落地!! 巡音ルカ歡迎你!!
Let Megurine Luka to welcome our newest bus arrives!!

In those years, the hot dog buses we all rode on.

熱狗巴士功成身退, 初音亦向最後熱狗說再見
Wiht the hot dogs finished their mission, Hatsune Miku also say good bye to the last hot dog bus.

在下英文唔算太好, 還希望大家見諒, 亦希望比我女友同D朋友仔睇到呢篇文~

向九巴熱狗致敬!! Farewell KMB "hot dog" buses!!
Thanks for reading~ ^^
發表於 15-5-2012 17:36:07 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 15-5-2012 23:35:53 | 顯示全部樓層
but i like hot dog rather than whole street air-conditioned :62:
發表於 16-5-2012 07:55:22 | 顯示全部樓層
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