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[玩具報告] Unfinished Report... 機甲戰記 Dragonar 威龍一號 Custom

發表於 10-5-2012 17:55:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 13-9-2013 12:56 PM 編輯



在宇宙殖民地亞路卡亞居住的三個少年: 健`賴度`達布,偶然得到了地球聯邦軍從基格諾斯中,盜取秘密開發的機甲戰士(Metal Armor)「威龍」起動用磁碟而登錄成為其駕駛員。



Unit type: prototype close combat metal armor
Head height: 17.6 meters
Weight: empty 78.7 metric tons; max gross 121.6 metric tons; flight unit +19.7 tons
Output: 240,000 pounds (dry); 395,000 pounds (CMP); afterburner +95,000 pounds; 6 x main nozzle, 12 x attitude control nozzle
Mass ratio: 0.987 (dry); 2.015 (CMP)
Powerplant: 2 x FPW-4M miniaturized fusion reactor
Combat maximum power operation time: 37 seconds (max)
CMP cool-down period: 1.8 seconds (CMP for 5 seconds or less); 328 seconds (CMP for 37 seconds)
Maximum velocity: Mach 0.98 (sea level); Mach 1.64 (32,000 feet)
Cruising range: 2460 nautical miles (4556 km)
Hardpoints: 2 (maximum load 18 metric tons)
Armor: triple hardness type ceralite coating; maximum thickness 155mm
Equipment and design features: Cray Type 9000 computer with AI navigator "Clara"; Type TAS1 image sensors, range unknown; Type WG3S gravitational sensors, range unknown

Fixed armaments: multi-dispenser (can fire standard bullets, HE ammo, plasma ammo; maximum 5 rounds); 2 x close combat laser sword, mounted on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x dual 25mm machine gun, fire-linked, mounted in forearms (1500 rounds per second, 800 rounds); throwing bomb; 2 x 6-tube dual missile pod, mounted on flight unit
Optional hand armaments: type LPS32 55.7mm hand railcannon (2200 rounds per second, 1620 rounds, uses standard and HE ammunition); 2 x close combat assault knife; super hybrid shield; 2 x anti-metal armor grenade; photon bazooka

Pilot: Kaine Wakaba

Source: Wikipedia and MAHQ

D.M.S. 玩味指數

外型 (40) 34
可動性 (20) 16
佩件及 Gimmick (20) 15
品質管制/QC (10) 6.5
價錢 (10%) 6

總分: 77.5分
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