First time I saw 科學戰隊toy was when I was 8 or 9 year-old. Saw the entire set on a toy store's display that cost a fortune! That image was unforgetable! 20 something years later, I finally got it! Although it is not brand new, I am very happy about the condition.
But I have never seen the show...


There is a elevator for the fighter on top! Very interesting!


I like 3號机 the most because the design of the feet is very clever!


3號机 can carry the other two as well! Very thoughful design for that era!


Feet design is very detail!

Thank you for watching!

後記: 自己只喜愛80年代的戰隊, 喜歡它們設計,機設精簡平實,今次重手一入, 可是了結了多年心願! |