回復 Viper
你點估到舖頭買到咁新出既貨都有假,唔係應該出左 ...
kevchan1103 發表於 8-3-2012 10:05 AM
I am so sorry about your news. But as fars as i know, that shop always selling fake goods and we have discussed this topic for a week, so if you just bought it within the past few days(i guess so because I saw that fake product put in front of that shop for at least a week but disappeared yesterday), then it is sufficient time to check.
回復 38#felixchi
Yes I'm the sucker who bought it, i don't check this forum everyday but I'm a huge MGS fan and has been waiting for this since it announced. If you search my posts I even opened a post and ask where I could pre-order this, but no ching would share any info with me. There was no fixed date on when in March it would come out. So I don't even know it was out until I saw it in that shop, so i bought without hesitation.