very good info, thanks for the post.
in the article, it says illustrationist's wage hasn't gone up over the last 20 yrs.
and their wages mainly link to the amount of money developer can pay per
episode. so that means the price of producing an animation has't gone up
for the last 2 decades? hardly the truth i supposed.
so where has all the money gone to? marketing? voice acting and soundtracks?
that being said, each episode is within 200k yen,
it seems that's only a guide line, and i supposed
it was 1 or 2 decades ago. with the amount of
computerized designs and CG invloved it has to
worth a lot more tho. i can't imagine an episode
of pokemon cost the same as an episode of
thanks for the clarifcation, really learned a lot about their industry.
in the article, it says there are endless supply of new blood entrying
the business, i guess with the high supply of willingly cheap labour,
is really not a favourable sector to be in. and you said 傻呼嚕同盟,
it seems that's a nice blog. i have interest to look into it further ~