發表於 5-5-2009 23:30:43
原帖由 kimsin 於 5-5-2009 11:22 PM 發表 
唔該大大,等我頭先用N-scale/1:150搵左好耐添 原來仲有777:46:
如果搵到童友社 的 1:144 ANA 機我會好錫佢:love:
I saw a few types of 1:144 pax aircrafts launched in the market.
A380, B744, B737, A319, A320, B777-200 & A340
Only B777-200 have ANA / JAL versions. And B737-400 have JAL versions. The rest aircraft types only provide European / American Airlines versions e.g. British Airways, Ryannair, SAS.........
[ 本帖最後由 claytor 於 6-5-2009 01:26 AM 編輯 ] |