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[其他] Tomytec 專區

發表於 19-3-2007 11:14:09 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 taken 於 17-3-2007 10:32 PM 發表
some buy in yahoo bid, Truck part 3  buy in 三和.

Yes, bandai d 車仔係差過 tomytec 好多  :DD      bandai 出 gundam 好d...

agree and more expensive:blame:

原文章由 ingram123 於 18-3-2007 06:39 PM 發表
各位大大,Tomytec N Guage既比例係1/150,但係Herpa就1/160:

"Today, our most detailed models are those in the 1/87 scale (HO), but also friends of the 1/160 scale (N) and the 1/220 scale (Z) ar ...

In fact N or HO are not really representating the model scale is 1/150 or 1/160 or 1:87.  That shall be really depend on what countries' model you are buying.
N means "Nine" mm, this is the width of model rail.  The width of model rail in HO scale is 16.5mm.  That is an international railyway model standard.

The main reason and only reason why Japanese model is 1/150 and Europe is 1/160 because the europe train (or the width of european rail is wider then Japanses ) is larger than Japanese and English.  So they have to maintain the 9 mm rail way scale so that their ratio are difference.

For the railway scale (gauge) model
Width of Rail 9mm N 1/150 (Japanese), 1/160 (European), 1/148 (British)
Width of Rail 16.5mm  HO 1/80 (Japanese), 1/87 (European), OO 1/76 (British)
Width of Rail 6.5mm Z 1/220

It just an information sharing:shy:

[ 本文章最後由 N-piccolo 於 19-3-2007 05:19 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 19-3-2007 12:58:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 taken 於 17-3-2007 11:14 PM 發表
tomytec 好似係tomix 的子公司、而tomix 是出開鉄道模型、好精細架! bandai 唔係出開哩d嘢,自然差d 啦..

Show you the real price of Truck, People, Bus when they are in Tomix catalog book

In fact, Tomytec issues them in cheaper price and much better quality.   Such a very good news.:love:
發表於 19-3-2007 17:11:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 半田健人_555 於 18-3-2007 02:48 PM 發表
小弟嘅分享,不過呢度只係一部份,其他想完成"KATO TOWN"才放出來,同埋影得唔好,請見笑!!!! ...

半田健人bigbig, are you building the Kato town:shiny:, whether with train set?? so hurry to see that.
發表於 19-3-2007 19:46:45 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 19-3-2007 20:08:09 | 顯示全部樓層
This  catalog book  好正喎:shiny:  仲有無得買呢? •:love:

[quote]原文章由 N-piccolo 於 19-3-2007 12:58 PM 發表

Show you the real price of Truck, People, Bus when they are in Tomix catalog book
 樓主| 發表於 19-3-2007 20:14:27 | 顯示全部樓層
仲有今日去左油麻地 利x 、哩間舖頭專賣火車模型、有火車、屋仔、人仔、貨櫃、車仔、街燈、連電話亭都有:^ 好正!

大多數都是外國出品:)    鍾意玩火車玩具的大大可以去睇睇。
發表於 19-3-2007 20:53:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Bandai 1/150 N-Scale

Tomytec 1/150 N-Scale


 樓主| 發表於 19-3-2007 21:10:09 | 顯示全部樓層
大大你都有買 THE TRUCK VOL.3 - IDEMITSU :he:

bandai d 貨櫃車比tomytec 反而少見在玩具店有得賣:no:

你d情景唔錯、多d post 相上嚟分亨:love:
發表於 19-3-2007 21:34:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 taken 於 19-3-2007 09:10 PM 發表
大大你都有買 THE TRUCK VOL.3 - IDEMITSU :he:

bandai d 貨櫃車比tomytec 反而少見在玩具店有得賣:no:

你d情景唔錯、多d post 相上嚟分亨:love:

Bandai 同tomytec 係Hung Hing or 188 2/F轉右個間買,呢間我覺得價錢幾合理,
發表於 19-3-2007 21:45:58 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 fm1234 於 19-3-2007 09:34 PM 發表

Bandai 同tomytec 係Hung Hing or 188 2/F轉右個間買,呢間我覺得價錢幾合理,

fm1234bigbig, did you buy this yet???

show some new collection herpa new mini

thanks for watching!!:^
發表於 19-3-2007 22:03:52 | 顯示全部樓層
N-piccolo 大大, 您架黃巴士質素如何呀?今日係太源街見到有得買, 本來想買的, 但係覺得質表平平, 所以放棄了.

但係就買左Truck Collection Part 3 出光同 ENEOS油車!
 樓主| 發表於 19-3-2007 22:09:07 | 顯示全部樓層
又有好野喎! herpa new mini 邊樹買?
發表於 19-3-2007 22:11:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 N-piccolo 於 19-3-2007 09:45 PM 發表

fm1234bigbig, did you buy this yet???

no..but buy the other one,008 & 007

發表於 19-3-2007 22:13:20 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 ingram123 於 19-3-2007 10:03 PM 發表
N-piccolo 大大, 您架黃巴士質素如何呀?今日係太源街見到有得買, 本來想買的, 但係覺得質表平平, 所以放棄了.

但係就買左Truck Collection Part 3 出光同 ENEOS油車!

that is cast steel N-gauge bus and the quality just normal.  Tomytec plastic model bus is much better.  Even though you want to buy, you can go to Jordan HingKXX 3 buses in $15X.  I know that HH is about $7X each.  But you know, this is a cast steel N-gauge vehicle which is not usual in the market, just view from the collection purpose.

[ 本文章最後由 N-piccolo 於 19-3-2007 10:29 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 19-3-2007 22:13:24 | 顯示全部樓層
我想買 Truck Collection Part 3.. 唔知有大貨到未??  灣仔社團又有無得賣呢?
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