本帖最後由 太歲 於 28-11-2012 08:24 PM 編輯

From 大師 [Frenzy Rumble] :
Where to even begin with this guy...well, too many hours went into him, I can say that for starters. This is my interpretation of the "Ultimate" Optimus Prime, although he doesn't have an alt mode, this custom has countless articulation (literally, I am too lazy to count it all) and other cool stuff. There are 10 LED lights on this custom. all with accessible batteries.
Here's the list of modifications and extras :
- Custom built hands each with articulated wrists and 10 points of articulation
- 2 interchangable heads via ball joint socket, including the "Ultimate" battle mask, with clear visor
- Each head "plugs" into a working blue LED light
- Custom built wings which can be positioned/spread
- Custom jetpack with red light up LEDs
- Sound/voice chip including a handful of power-up noises and phrases like "I am Optimus Prime"
- Custom thrusters (not jetpack) with another pair of working red LEDs
- Custom fit "Dark of the Moon" abs and torso
- Custom rear-view mirrors on chest
- Hand painted and pin-striped flames with fade
- Removable/snap-on energon swords (each with light up red LED light)
- Custom built gun, snaps into forearm, with light up red LED light)
- Custom waist area armor, with swivel side parts
- Legs include articulation at upper thigh (allowing swivel outwards)
- Feet on strong, tight ball joints
- Gatling guns on both forearms, with ammo belts
- Towers at 12" / 30.5 cm tall
- Weighs 35.8 oz, 2.2 lbs!
