有冇大大知道星輝有冇開番? GunLap 發表於 8-10-2011 06:22 PM
會唔會等德寶新商場開咗之後重開?嗰邊d租平d kevinwong4ever 發表於 8-10-2011 09:38 PM
any brothers 德寶新商場開左 or not, if yes, any brothers have gone there 玩具天王 發表於 5-1-2012 09:28 AM
完全無動力行過去 其實係咪個門面裝修左但入面都係一樣個d舖 fatcheong 發表於 5-1-2012 10:47 AM
bro F, live/work near KLN Bay ?? S20081997 發表於 5-1-2012 01:40 PM
any brothers 德寶新商場開咗 or not, if yes, any brothers have gone there 玩具天王 發表於 5-1-2012 09:28 AM
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