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樓主: e夫人

[作品分享] EX雙子裙甲都係短D好睇D! ( 31/08 更新, PS胸腹甲改為一件過 )

 樓主| 發表於 3-9-2011 23:06:47 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  e夫人

I think you and I share similar taste E,
passion and quest for improvement in EX.
flash 發表於 3-9-2011 10:35 AM

用咗舊神話頭及胸甲, 估唔到又幾好睇播! 比起宜家胸甲斷開兩截真係好睇好多! 正!:handshake:
發表於 4-9-2011 01:57:12 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 32# e夫人

yea, i hated the new head so much. no offense to EX fans,
just my personal taste. I have to switch it back to the old one.
still working on the coloring difference between the old chest
with the rest of EX's body. i'll try several things these few days
to see if it'll work.

do you think the old head looks big comparing to the body?
i am thinking to trim it down a little.
發表於 4-9-2011 01:58:54 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 32# e夫人

also after some testing, the EX's waist isn't really that small.
just the gap between the chest armor and waist armor is too
wide, so it'll make the waist look small......
 樓主| 發表於 5-9-2011 16:39:52 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  e夫人

yea, i hated the new head so much. no offense to EX fans,
just my personal taste. ...
flash 發表於 4-9-2011 01:57 AM

新頭雕我都唔鍾意, 望落有D囧, 就算有更多表情可供選擇, 可惜都係無一個掂! 舊頭雕較能還原動畫版神粹, 可是不論新或舊頭髮似乎都係臃腫咗D! 至於腰部方面如果穿上腰甲的話大至上同第三素體腰部咁上下粗, 著埋胸和裙甲之後睇落觀感上同舊青銅紫龍穿上聖衣後差唔多, 未至於難以接受, 不過黃金聖衣胸腹甲都係一體化好睇好多, 若為追求少得可憐的活動能力而放棄外觀就太可惜了!:42:
發表於 5-9-2011 18:40:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 35# e夫人

the EX hair is already slightly improved regarding the size. it looks
slimmer but due to the design, it has to look a little "臃腫". but like
what you said, it doesn't look too good from "some" angles, especially
looking from the side.

as far as chest armor in 2 pieces, it's okay. it works on some(leo, virgo..)
but looks completely ugly on others such as gemini. i am working on a
2nd version of gemini and trying to repaint the face. i'll add photos later~
發表於 13-9-2011 10:18:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回復  e夫人

I think you and I share similar taste E,
passion and quest for improvement in EX.
flash 發表於 3-9-2011 10:35 AM

發表於 14-9-2011 00:52:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 37# mushroom

thanks mushroom bro lol, is far from perfect, just the photo
was shot at a nice angle.... i am still working on it, just very
slowly due to mid-autumn fest, girl friend visiting, and she
pisses me off....... ayw you got the idea.

thanks for the support, i'am working on retouching the head
sculpt, will add photos soonish hopfully!
發表於 16-9-2011 03:29:13 | 顯示全部樓層
用咗舊神話頭及胸甲, 估唔到又幾好睇播! 比起宜家胸甲斷開兩截真係好睇好多! 正!
e夫人 發表於 3-9-2011 11:06 PM

橫掂都貴, 貴多幾十, 附兩件胸甲, 一件重外觀, 一件重可動, 任君選擇重好.
發表於 16-9-2011 14:25:01 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 39# antitid

yea, it was my thoughts when i was working on this project.
bandai could easily fix the broken in half problem for gemini.
by providing another one piece body armor, but the thing is,
other gold saints like leo, aris doesn't look as bad when their
body armor was broken into 2 pieces. so i guess this has a
lot to do with gemini's design and how did chose to break the
armor. my new version is almost done. need some testing and
need to photoshoot it later. hope i get to post it next week.
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