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[玩具報告] 我是至尊金剛, 但我是摧毀一切的至尊金剛 !! Nemesis Prime

發表於 14-8-2011 13:57:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 14-8-2011 01:58 PM 編輯

The Nemesis Prime name made its first appearance in the Generation One universe in The Transformers: Devastation. This incarnation of Nemesis Prime is actually not an evil clone of that universe's Optimus, but the new identity of Nova Prime, one of Optimus' predecessors. Motivated by a desire to expand territorially, Nova led the first Ark on a journey of conquest, but ended up in the Dead Universe. The The Transformers: Spotlight issue on Galvatron hints that the ship's crew (including Prime) became undead as a result of this. Nova was possessed by a force called the Darkness, which sustained the Dead Universe and was attracted to the void within Nova created by the absence of the Matrix.

His ultimate goal was to merge the Dead Universe into his home universe, merging the two together with help from the Jhiaxus created Nega-Cores. From there he and his crew would be able to return home properly, as they were unable to survive for long in real space. The resultant universe would adhere to Nova's original ideals, being overseen by the Transformers and shaped in their image. His underlings here included Galvatron, Jhiaxus, Cyclonus, Straxus, and Grindcore. He is aware of Galvatron's ulterior ambitions but is willing to let his agenda be revealed eventually.

Appearing to Optimus in the infraspace between life and death, Nemesis began his plans in earnest, having his troops abduct Nightbeat and turn him into an unaware mole with the eventual intention of assassinating Optimus. His forces constructed the Nega-Cores and their containment facilities in the real universe. Realizing they needed powerful guardians in their absence he had the bodies of Thunderwing and Sixshot taken in preparation for the Expansion, as well as sending Galvatron to Earth to make sure it was not destroyed by the Reapers, as he needed its Energon to power their space bridge network. He then sends Cyclonus into the real universe where, despite drawing the Autobots' attention, he successfully activates the Nega-Core (seen in Spotlight: Arcee) and its guardian - Thunderwing. With this accomplished, Prime prepared to lead his forces into the real universe as the Expansion began. With the elimination of Nightbeat by Hardhead, Nemesis assaulted Garrus-9 personally in an attempt to kill Prime. This proved to be a mistake, as the Darkness attempted to transfer to Optimus. Enraged, Nemesis redoubled his efforts - only to be shot in the back and killed by Galvatron.

在某一個平行世界的柯柏文被 Megazarak 所殺之後,他的屍體被宇宙大帝複製並改造成天罰邪尊

Source: Wikipedia

BT 系列是 TF 中一個我很喜歡的系列! 另一個是 Alternity!!

機械人及車形態兩者拿捏得很好! 因要變型關係, 可動性便不用多談了! 我一向喜歡帶有邪氣的角色, 所以看到他便二話不說就買下來了.

變型金剛是拿來變型的, 這個真的很好玩! 還見到的話就買盒玩一下吧!

D.M.S. 玩味指數

外型 (40) 31
可動性 (20) 11
佩件及 Gimmick (20) 14
品質管制/QC (10) 6.5
價錢 (10) 6.5
總分: 69分

Next Sharing - Metal Build

發表於 14-8-2011 14:07:15 | 顯示全部樓層
First reply...  yeah yeah... many thanks for your quick and detail sharing!!!!!!!:handshake:
發表於 14-8-2011 15:11:48 | 顯示全部樓層
Metal Build :43:
發表於 14-8-2011 16:16:50 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 14-8-2011 16:18:38 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 14-8-2011 16:20:08 | 顯示全部樓層
好肥喎隻 Nemesis Prime:(
發表於 14-8-2011 20:49:27 | 顯示全部樓層
隻00快快合體啦~ 好想睇合體:handshake:
發表於 14-8-2011 21:19:23 | 顯示全部樓層
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