SSC said that Bigger is Better, I beg to differ. Many collectors have morned about the size of Korates and Daredevil, scaling aside, they are both great pieces that demand a positive feedback.

Surprisingly, as a gamer who has owned "EVERY" console since FC, including a few arcade masterboards, I have never played GOW, not even a single time. However, as a great fans of Greek Myth, I could not help myself to "LIKE" the character. Again, SSC nailed the job, Korates is a barbarian longing to avenge his love ones.

However, it is worth to point out, I am not so sure about the paint of the statue, it is in between raw and dirty, I am not 100% sure I should say he looks like he has been to a beach with his kids or he has just fought a battle against Zeus and it is basically the only things that freak me out.

To sum up, despite the uncertainty of the painting, considering the price, the detail of the statue, the expression of the character and the lovely base. It is a must for anyone who is going to display 1:5ish statue. 8/10.