我冇睇過OO... 都比佢坤倒... 好野 呂品器 發表於 10-4-2011 19:15
想問下邊到仲有貨 地球很危險 發表於 10-4-2011 22:01
nice. Toy is too expensive. Hoping that the price will drop. But this toy seems to be very popula ... gundammsz010 發表於 10-4-2011 22:41
想佢跌價我諗都幾難 之後果隻限定O-Raiser預訂價都已經6舊水 alexpd 發表於 10-4-2011 23:55
想問呢隻日版同行版分別大唔大, 點解日版會貴D?? 係唔係一定日版會靚D, 請咁多位師兄解答~~ 蝦米仔 發表於 11-4-2011 11:50
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