Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: hehemimi

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發表於 23-5-2011 01:32:24 | 顯示全部樓層
WINTERPLAY & Nikki Yanofsky Singing 'Lullaby of Birdland'
Nikki Yanofsky - Don't Know Why
WINTERPLAY--- 'Gypsy Girl'
Winterplay - Billie Jean
發表於 23-5-2011 10:20:11 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 23-5-2011 21:49:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 hehemimi 於 23-5-2011 09:51 PM 編輯
請位張老父,在張雨生過世之後,仍然堅持地生活,而且又做左好多 ...
verywai 發表於 23-5-2011 10:20 AM


WINTERPLAY & Nikki Yanofsky Singing 'Lullaby of Birdland'
Nikki Yanofsky - Don't Know Why
spidey123 發表於 23-5-2011 01:32 AM

Thanks for sharing..Pal:77:
發表於 1-6-2011 00:32:52 | 顯示全部樓層

Twist and Shout -張國榮Leslie Cheung

Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
Cmon cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)
Well, work it on out, honey. (work it on out)
You know you look so good. (look so good)
You know you got me goin, now, (got me goin)
Just like I knew you would. (like I knew you would, oooh!)
Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
Cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it all out. (work it all out, oooh!)
You know you’re a twisty little girl, (twist little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine. (let me know you’re mine oooh)
Ahhhhhhhhhh(root) Ahhhhhhhhhh(third) Ahhhhhhhhhh(fifth) Ahhhhhhhhhhh(seventh) Ahhhhh Ahhhhh Woah, Yeah
Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
Cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out, wuu!)
You know you’re a twisty little girl, (twist little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine. (let me know you’re mine, wuu!)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it up baby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it up baby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it up baby)
Ahhhhhhhhhh(low) Ahhhhhhhhhh(higher) Ahhhhhhhhhh(higher) Ah!(high)

Tonight & Forever -張國榮 Leslie Cheung
Tonight And Forever
You know you're gonna have to face up to the facts
Youre just another face in a big crowd
You know we gotta try hard to relax
We can laugh - but not too loud
It's never like you see in a magazine
And you don't even know what you mean to me
And i don't understand this feeling
But wanna be with you tonight
Tonight and forever
You drive me crazy and you say that you'll never change

And i could never do what you want to
Don't you find this whole thing a little strange
I don't even know if i like you
It's never like you see on a movie screen
But there's something that you do to me
And i'm not sure that i believe it
But i wanna be with you tonight
Tonight and forever

張國榮 The Way We Were
The Way We Were
Lyrics:A.Bergman/M.Bergman Music:M.Hamlish
Like the corners of my mind
Misty watercolor memories
Of the way we were
Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were
Can it be that it was all so simple then
Or has time rewritten every line
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me - Would we? Could we?
May be beautiful and yet
What's too painful to remember
We simply to choose to forget
So it is the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were
So it is the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were

I Honestly Love You 張國榮
張國榮Leslie-I Honestly Love You(原版MV)
i honestly love you

Maybe I hang around here a little more than I should
We both know I got somewhere else to go
But I got something to tell you that I never thought I would
But I believe you really ought to know
I love you I honestly love you
You don´t have to answer
I see it in your eyes
Maybe it was better left unsaid
But this is pure and simple, and you must realise
That it´s comin´ from my heart and not my head
I Love You, I honestly love you
I´m not tryin´ to make you feel uncomfortable
I´m not tryin´ to make you anything at all
But this feeling doesn´t come along everyday
And you shouldn´t blow the chance
when you´ve got the chance to say I love you
I love you, I honestly love you
If we both were born in another place and time
This moment might be ending in a kiss
But there you are with yours, and here I am with mine
So I guess we´ll just be leavin´ it at this
I love you, I honestly love you I honestly love you

A Thousand Dream Of You 張國榮
詞/曲:Alter Louis/Websterpaul Francis/Fats Waller
Oh, It's time to dream, a thousand dream of you!
It's been so grand together, yes, together.
You thrilled me from the start.
You brought the spring again.
Your fingers touched the strings of my heart and made it sing again.
I hope you dream a thousand dreams of me.
All things we're planed doing together.
And if you do, I dream my whole life through.
A thousand, a million, a zillion dreams of you!

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 張國榮
張國榮Leslie - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
i walk along the street of sorrow
the boulevard of broken dreams
where gigolo and gigolette
can take a kiss without regret
so they forget their broken dreams
you laugh tonight and cry tomorrow
when you'll be hold your shattered schemes
and gigolo and gigolette
wake up to find their eyes are wet
with tears that tell of broken dreams
here is where you'll always find me
always walking up and down
but i left my soul behind me
in an old cathedral town
the joy that you find here you borrow
you cannot keep it long it seems
but gigolo and gigolette
still sing a song and dance along
the boulevard of broken dreams
the joy that you find here you borrow
you cannot keep it long it seems
but gigolo and gigolettes
still sing a song and dance along
the boulevard of broken dreams
發表於 1-6-2011 15:53:43 | 顯示全部樓層

一隻好久之前,只有錄音帶既時代,呢盒cassette令我好沈迷!佢唔單止令我日日聽,仲會時時聽,聽到比亞媽鬧都要聽!亞媽見我比佢鬧仲笑,就再鬧,但我依家笑mi mi咁望住佢!無他,因為我實在太鍾意!







 樓主| 發表於 4-6-2011 13:35:12 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 10-6-2011 01:46:48 | 顯示全部樓層
李麗蕊 - How Are You My Friend

How are you my friend

望著床上那本本的書 默默地懷念你
如何能共你天天一起 但是不可以
空虛將心鎖住 沒法找開鎖的匙
書中的一個字 難望記住 在床上伴著睡是這書
*How are you my friend
何妨靜靜道心事 求求D.J可否給我傳情達意
How are you my friend
還是將我想住 一秒不離 就像我此刻想見你
還是收起心事 不再於空間奔馳
發表於 10-6-2011 01:48:51 | 顯示全部樓層
張國榮 梅艷芳 - 冰山大火 1986  

leslie 張國榮 拉闊音樂會
 樓主| 發表於 11-6-2011 06:40:09 | 顯示全部樓層
張國榮 梅艷芳 - 冰山大火 1986  
leslie 張國榮 拉闊音樂會
Delight986 發表於 10-6-2011 01:48 AM

謝分享, 可惜已成絕唱..:67:
發表於 11-6-2011 11:36:14 | 顯示全部樓層
蔡立兒 《絕戀》 ... =PLD742EC3C435DBB83

MUSE - Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife

Boombox (ft. Julian Casablancas)
發表於 11-6-2011 13:21:19 | 顯示全部樓層
謝分享, 可惜已成絕唱..
hehemimi 發表於 11-6-2011 06:40 AM

張國榮 - 迷路 1983  

The Old Miao Myth
發表於 12-6-2011 02:37:46 | 顯示全部樓層
高晨維 Cleo Ko  

Top One 新一代-劉德華慈善歌唱比賽公開組冠軍  

Cleoko.com我是Cleo Ko 高晨維,
2009 年開始以天碟歌手身份灌錄高音質天碟唱片;首先,我想在此衷心多謝已經購買了我的唱片、支持我的Live Performance、及關注我動向的朋友! ...

高晨維Cleo Ko,1984年出生於一個充滿音樂的家庭中,媽媽是廣東資深粵劇歌唱者及演員,受到媽媽的影響,5歲開始,Cleo已能唱出多首廣東粵曲;10歲後,被鄧麗君小姐的歌聲吸引,一度鑽研其歌曲,亦多次以其歌曲於東南亞各地進行不同演出,包括(國內、香港、澳門等)慶祝中華人民共和國多個不同年度的晚宴,馬來西亞天后宮之慈善晚會,新加坡大型歌唱晚會,國內國慶大型音樂會,各地大型會慶等,不能盡錄。

憑她的天資和努力,高晨維由13歲開始已在多個歌唱比賽中獲獎無數,更以在98 年「新城997 Top One 新一代-劉德華慈善歌唱比賽」公開組中勇奪冠軍開始了正式歌手生涯,14歲被經理人發掘,及至15歲加盟新力唱片公司(Sony Music Asia Ltd),同年於馬來西亞Synchrosound Studio與殿堂級監製Dick Lee 合作,灌錄Sony Shinning Star唱片,於台灣發行;次年於香港灌錄並發行首張個人廣東大碟<我不是天使>,參與製作包括雷頌德,陳永明,吳國敬得著名監製。



經過多年來的演唱經驗,對歌唱不斷研究與尋求突破,2009年,高晨維認為是時候將她對生活的深刻體驗透過歌聲與知音人分享,於是與唱片公司Star Works簽約,正式成為天碟歌手,灌錄高質素天碟唱片,在她的歌聲中,煩惱和鬥爭都漸漸忘記了,只有平靜和愛。

2009年8月發行第一張天碟唱片Mellowdy,由香港著名監製方樹樑操刀,並於美國Sterling Sound Studio由著名Engineer Greg Calbi進行母帶製作(Mastering);專輯發行後被權威唱片雜誌Headline Magazine以“The Coming Songbird”評價!同月於Backstage舉行Live Concert,亦於香港電台第二台區瑞強-2000靚歌再重聚中擔任嘉賓,該晚連續三小時現場以英語、法語、普通話及廣東話演繹多首經典歌曲,現場演繹水準受到各方高度評價!

由於首張唱片反應不俗,好評如潮,2010年4月唱片公司再為Cleo度身訂造全新一輯以經典電影及電視劇歌曲為主題的英文發燒天碟,名為Hymn To Love;此專輯同樣由監製方樹樑操刀,方監製為求令唱片質素更上一層樓,更特別找到70年代芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)曾用過錄音之原裝咪高峰,此專輯這次更被Headline Magazine碟評命題為“The Song bird Comes Alive”!同月於香港藝術中心壽臣劇院舉行個人演唱會,當晚,Cleo演繹部份歌曲時,更有不少觀眾感動落淚;Cleo現場演繹的感染力不言而喻!亦為音樂愛好者帶來更多的驚喜與期待!

Cleo:「離開娛樂圈這八年的生活裡,我才真真正正的體驗到生活,嘗盡了世間的溫情冷酷,然後,踏實的享受這種平凡的幸福 ∼ 我不但熱愛身邊一事一物,更用心感受一切我所擁有的,珍惜和愛護它們,盡力把這份情懷感染每一個我遇到的人!


My Gears

Cleo Ko 高晨維 "夢醒時分" - Star Works Live@星光大道
 樓主| 發表於 14-6-2011 09:31:46 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 hehemimi 於 14-6-2011 09:35 AM 編輯

SUEDE the Greatest Hits Tour Live in Hong Kong 2011                                                                                                                                             2011年8月11日(星期四) 下午8時至11時 (3小時)
亞洲國際博覽館 8號館 費用: $780

Paramore Concert in Hong Kong(Aug 14, 2011 Asia World Expo)

Simple Plan Live in HK 2011(August 16, 2011 - 8:00 pm, HK Aaia World Expo) ... -aug-16-2011/618569
發表於 21-6-2011 12:58:50 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 verywai 於 21-6-2011 01:01 PM 編輯



李宗盛 - 寂寞難耐

周華健 - 孤枕難眠
發表於 23-6-2011 20:34:11 | 顯示全部樓層



盧凱彤 雀斑
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