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[分享討論] 義強 "Ngee Khiong“ Comes to an end.

發表於 2-10-2010 00:33:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 kaio7 於 2-10-2010 12:35 AM 編輯



- "UC fans", "Gundam SEED & SEED Destiny fans", "Gundam UC fans", Gundam fans
- Pirated Gunplas (山寨鋼普拉)
- What is the value of your Gunpla in your life? (鋼普拉對於你的價值?)
- Websites seeking publicity, profit, hits and visitor number over real interest in Gundam and related hobby. (網站追求人氣、利潤、點擊和訪客數更甚於對於鋼普拉相關的真正的愛好)

發表於 2-10-2010 01:41:39 | 顯示全部樓層
It really has been a pity that he has decided to stop. I have been reading his blog for about 4 years.

It's sad to see that he decides to quit because of how he's disappointed about the way the Gundam and Gunpla (gundam model) community has become, and not because of life issues. In a way we as Gundam fans are partly responsible behind this. There is not much understanding between fans who likes different stuff, or have different interests etc. Too much bashing here and there, and not enough people actually appreciating nowadays.

As you said, even though we have a lot of Gundam-related news coming in via 2chan or Chinese-communities like TD and some Yahoo HK/TW blogs, there aren't many for English-speaking communities, and most of them rely on Ngee Khiong. His blog will be missed, though they should be able to find new ways to acquire news in the future.
發表於 2-10-2010 02:06:09 | 顯示全部樓層
真係好可惜架,難得有一個可以俾我咁多消息既地方,佢執左之後真係唔知要去邊度睇,唔知有冇其他網址,至少等我做定準備 :42:
發表於 2-10-2010 02:19:44 | 顯示全部樓層
唉. 我都日日睇佢, 佢D資料又新又快, 最好係一個BLOG 可以睇曬所有TOYS的資料.

發表於 2-10-2010 02:40:47 | 顯示全部樓層
sad news.
It is a great awesome toy news blog!

You will be missed.:64:
發表於 2-10-2010 09:01:39 | 顯示全部樓層
我都間唔中有睇呢個blog.  雖然我地識中文, 但一個以英文報導既blog係非常難能可貴.

有時d友真係好偏激, 我懷疑好有可能係4chan 個d麻煩友搞事......

無左一個甘齊全既英文blog講日玩, 真係可惜.
發表於 2-10-2010 13:03:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Just my sharing... As a forum moderator, I have no interested in others' nonsense and only concern what I can share with toys fans.

I can only update news in early morning or midnight in weekdays.  "Time" is limited but I still love to try my best to share my feeling on Gundam or toys to all hobby lovers.  I don't know why he feel disappointed about the way of the Gundam communities have become.

Anyway, he is great and I hope can see him again in other form of way and let's pay effort together to let more people love Gundam.  :64:

Just my feeling, it is just a little matter when compare with FTD case before....................... :(
發表於 2-10-2010 18:13:40 | 顯示全部樓層
I find this announcement very sudden and strange.  His reasons for closing down the blog are stupid fanboys and pirated gunpla.  I find it kind of surprising that he feels that emotionally to what they say.  If you don't want to see them spamming and trolling, just disable comments.  If today's is April 1st, I would just assume this is one big hoax, and part of me wish that this is the case.  It's sad to see an end to his blog, as I enjoy reading his posts and gunpla reviews. I look forward to reading his rant and explanation.
發表於 3-10-2010 00:45:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Just my sharing... As a forum moderator, I have no interested in others' nonsense and only concern w ...
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 2-10-2010 01:03 PM

    Nonsense? Would you kindly explain this please? And what's this FTD case about?
發表於 3-10-2010 01:08:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Nonsense? Would you kindly explain this please? And what's this FTD case about?
quentinlau 發表於 3-10-2010 12:45 AM

Brother Ngee Khiong was critized by others and those "comments" are too subjective!  That is no doubt that nonsense.  Honestly, I will treat it nothing casue no one can entertain all 100% people.

For FTD.............. U will know it if u have jojned TD more than 2-3 years!  :)
發表於 3-10-2010 08:01:16 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 fieal 於 5-10-2010 09:42 AM 編輯

All good things must end.
Its extremely unfortunate that another great site comes to an end.  Greatly appreciate his efforts and completely respected his decision.

After reading his "Prelude to the Ending" I am also intrigued and looking forward to his "great bashing". Sounding more & more like and death (of a web site) due to cyber bullying.......

One side note that has came from this sad news is that similar to when Gunota ended.
A great sense of dread came over me again about my love for Gundam. Would or when would it end? Would my priorities change and let it end? Am I just just trying to hold on to my youth that is long gone?
發表於 3-10-2010 11:16:04 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Tasuku 於 3-10-2010 11:20 AM 編輯
Just my sharing... As a forum moderator, I have no interested in others' nonsense and only concern w ...
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 2-10-2010 01:03 PM

佢嘅消失有如晴天霹靂,又一個咁有Heart嘅人burn out 咗,我真心為佢可惜!

我自己都搞播音,我非常明白經營一個只有付出了無收益嘅東西係幾難唔burn out ~

如果大家真係想佢回心轉意(不過好難),就去信慰問吓人啦~ 或者表達吓咁多年嘅感謝都得!
發表於 4-10-2010 20:51:30 | 顯示全部樓層
I am not sure how familiar brother Doug is with the English speaking community, but imho brother Ngee Khiong has done a lot for the English-speaking fans, providing timely updates on Gundam and gunpla news as well as other mecha related stuff for the past few years, so it will be a bit ignorant to just brush him aside and not see what he has done voluntarily for the fans as his interest in addition to his hobby for gunpla.

Look at his monthly number of posts - 200+ for the past 12 months, and he is not blogging full time. He almost always provides links to sources and gives credits (he gives links and credits back to TD too, and several other Chinese-speaking forums too). Whenever I sent him emails enquiring about something he always gives me a very detailed response, backed with URLs and reasons for what he has to say - i.e. he does not talk BS, and definitely has a friendly and tolerating heart from his tone as observed from his writings. But I think he is a bit sensitive to what he feels from the readers and communities' reactions, and took the discrimination, naiveté etc quite personally. We all read his blog due to common interest - Gundam, but yet there are increasingly naive arguments and decreasingly little understanding between fans who share different opinions. I know this is the Internet, and one can never satisfies everybody out there. I think we don't see so much bad stuff going on in forums etc because 1) there are rules to restrict such behaviour, and 2) you have to be a registered member to post replies and comments. This does not necessarily to blogs, so you can get all sorts of stuff there. Besides, I think the English-speaking readers are sometimes not as mature as the Chinese-speaking ones I have encountered, and being a reader for both English and Chinese content, I can see some differences.

One way or the other, we should at least pay some respect for him. It seems unlikely that he will come back to blogging again (but he did say he may still reply to emails or leave comments on other people's blogs), but won't hurt to say a 'thanks' for what he has done. Though I know for those who don't visit his blogs due to differences in communities they may not get to understand this so much, at least ignoring it like so and say (I've seen worse whatever) is probably not the best way to go.
發表於 5-10-2010 03:20:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Ngee Khiong's final blog post. A very long post regarding what he has become fed up with over time regarding the Gundam community (mostly concerned with English-speaking ones). It's sad to read it through, and how he's been tolerating a LOT of things and had enough of it at the end, with his blog linked to idiots posting stuff related to hatred and arguments. A hobby is supposed to exist for people to enjoy, but somehow a huge part of it has become a warmbed for people to throw hatred and arguments at. Thinking that he would see the community become better as time and technology improves, what he has felt was the opposite. Being a net friend of the blogger since I started watching Gundam 00 back in 2007, it's sad to see how much stuff he's trying to hold back and blow it off, but it seems to be too much for him and he's disappointed, feeling there's no point to share out info anymore. Things really shouldn't have turned out this way, but it has. Perhaps it's a lesson to us of what the Internet really is about.
發表於 5-10-2010 04:41:11 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Toro 於 5-10-2010 04:43 AM 編輯

佢話,成人收到fans email話被佢個blog吸引,歡天喜地咁去砌模型,佢好有滿足感.
但佢話自己用呢種心情去寫blog,換來係一種"Hate them all, buy them all"又要鬧又要買既回應風氣,

佢感慨話,由UC大戰Wing,發展到SEED年代,以至而家既00 VS UC,睇左5年呢D吵吵鬧鬧,厭,
好似上個月公布PG出Strike Freedom,由於SEED D在全球反應都係非常兩極
佢話有人send mail畀佢,內容竟然係一條link,收錄左一段粗俗言語錄音,佢聽完覺得非常作嘔!

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