thats why wrecker has a higher price la...
Grimlock 發表於 13-9-2010 07:59 PM
well, not just that, Wrecker himself came out as a solo villain b4 the Wrecking Crew was formed
and the Wrecking Crew was formed bcoz of him too
so he has his own single pack MU, coz he's the most wanted
Well, Sentry is a straight guy, boys, it's stated in the comics. So, no need for those silly offensive homophobic comments, ok? I noticed quite a lot of such comments in this thread. There are gay viewers here. The queers play toys too.
No offense here. sincere apologies if you/any gay viewers feel offended.
No intension to discuss about this topic/spread any offensive homophobic here. The focus is the toy's decoration.