8月又黎放血喪入! 去相
月頭先黎 RG RX-78, GFFMC 0 Gundam & PG Zaku 30th Anniversary
月尾再黎 萬能俠 1,2 號, GFFN Unicorn FA, 蘿蔔暈 strike freedom, hg 00Q, hg Zababya & MG The O
攞你命三千, 果然係攞你命三千! but quality actually is quite good
本來都覺得唔係真係咁差姐 but...
these 萬能俠兄弟, compeletly destroyed the strike freedom! I love the metallic paint a lot! they even completely destroyed the 合金魂
Now, let see the 素組 hg 00Q.
compare the 00Q with the RG, both only 素組 + 渗线 only. The RG really make you feel Bandai passion
Let's see all 刹那 の愛機 as conclusion... thx for your time:64: |