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[新品消息] Hot Toys DX 04 即将公布

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發表於 27-7-2010 18:06:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 magiam 於 27-7-2010 06:25 PM 編輯

From Hottoys News:

The long-awaiting brand-new DX04 will be firstly unveiled globally very soon!

With the strongest artist cast ever, the DX04 shall be highly anticipated by fans after planning for years! Excited or not? This collectible specially comes with TWO newly developed head sculpts with Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS)! Stay tuned with us for update on our Facebook! You will definitely be surprised!

有兩個PERS 頭,可能係C. Reeve Superman and Clark.
發表於 27-7-2010 18:31:40 | 顯示全部樓層
From Hottoys News:

The long-awaiting brand-new DX04 will be firstly unveiled globally very soon!
magiam 發表於 27-7-2010 18:06

兩個新頭, PREDATORS 已沒可能
Planning for years...Ironman 也沒可能

真係好大機會係SUPERMAN / T-800
發表於 27-7-2010 18:50:08 | 顯示全部樓層
如果係superman我可以skip了. 會唔會同joker dx一樣, 一個body兩套costume2個頭咁出?
發表於 27-7-2010 19:04:54 | 顯示全部樓層
TIU...我都唔明, 做咩要DIU 我引....講咪講LAW...SIDE 大家時間
發表於 27-7-2010 19:20:26 | 顯示全部樓層
^ Guess you are not very good at marketing...

Christopher Reeve – Superman/Clark Kent <-- 2 PERS head, looks like its coming finally!!! YES!!!
發表於 27-7-2010 19:55:37 | 顯示全部樓層
^ Guess you are not very good at marketing...

Christopher Reeve – Superman/Clark Kent
chanedw 發表於 27-7-2010 07:20 PM

我知點解要咁做, 但我唔BUY LAW..OK?.:ar:
發表於 27-7-2010 20:01:26 | 顯示全部樓層
finally have my first "REAL" superman!!!!!
發表於 27-7-2010 20:42:03 | 顯示全部樓層
^ Guess you are not very good at marketing...

Christopher Reeve – Superman/Clark Kent
chanedw 發表於 27-7-2010 19:20

buzz marketing, word of mouth...? thanks.
發表於 27-7-2010 20:53:59 | 顯示全部樓層

Product code: DX04

Hot Toys is pleased to present the 1/6th scale DX04 Christopher Reeve – Superman/Clark Kent collectible figure from the Superman movies of the 70’s & 80’s movies. The movie-accurate Superman collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Christopher Reeve, highlighting the screen accurate sculpted head and muscular body, as well as detailed suit.

The 1/6th scale DX04 Christopher Reeve Superman/Clark Kent specially features:

- Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Christopher Reeve as Superman-Clark Kent in the movies from the 70’ & 80’s
- Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and colored Translucent Iris for both heads.
- Newly developed muscular body to capture the anatomy of Christopher Reeve to perfection.
- Two Detailed head sculptures – Screen accurate of Superman and Clark Kent
- Approximately 32 cm tall
- 28 points of articulations
- Six pairs of interchangeable palms (one pair of relaxed palms; one pair for flying; one pair for punches)
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted.

Detailed Accessories:
- Chain Kryptonite.
- One pair of green and transparent crystals.
- Screen accurate Daily Planet Costume.
- One pair of Shoes.
- One suitcase and 1&6th scale newspaper.
- Figure base with Superman The movie Fortress of Solitude environment.

- Head Sculpted by Yulli
- Body Sculpted by Joseph Tsang
- Head Art Directed by JC. Hong
- Head Painted by JC. Hong

Release date: Q4, 2010

TM & &copy; DC COMICS.
WB Shield: TM & &copy; Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
發表於 27-7-2010 21:05:57 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Gretzky99 於 27-7-2010 09:08 PM 編輯
Product code: DX04

Hot Toys is pleased to present the 1/6th scale DX04 Christopher Reeve – S ...
vanhelsing 發表於 27-7-2010 08:53 PM

Thawa was a hoax!!!

However, DX04 is indeed Superman Reeve, only the spec are going to be different  :34:
發表於 27-7-2010 21:34:30 | 顯示全部樓層
buzz marketing, word of mouth...? thanks.
Jimy 發表於 27-7-2010 08:42 PM

    我想只是引發話題 OR 引起人留意 而已....:38:
發表於 27-7-2010 21:49:07 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 chanedw 於 27-7-2010 10:03 PM 編輯

Teaser Play is a powerful way to draw attention to a new product even before the product is ready for mass production or distribution. Whether you like it or not, it is a commonly used marketing strategy.  

By just leaving a message teaser on facebook, they have created this forum thread/discussion (and also discussion in other forums).
發表於 27-7-2010 22:22:55 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 27-7-2010 22:46:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Teaser Play is a powerful way to draw attention to a new product even before the product is ready fo ...
chanedw 發表於 27-7-2010 21:49

thx for details
發表於 28-7-2010 00:26:14 | 顯示全部樓層
Christopher reeves !即訂!
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