7日内完売GE貨、我呉信DID吾会再販LAW(短期内)。 DID亦都計画 ...
luce 發表於 20-4-2010 02:31 PM
I actually called OnlineDID to verify. The girl said they never re-issue any 12" figure! Which mean anyone who miss out on Miller and Erwin will have no other way of getting it now... Bad luck... Try yahxx or tabXo la!
7日内完売GE貨、我呉信DID吾会再販LAW(短期内)。 DID亦都計画 ...
luce 發表於 20-4-2010 02:31 PM
I checked with DID as well regarding the boxset, they said they have no plan for boxset at this moment. But! They didn't say anything about future... well just a hope...