This Turtle is same one before with colour change only. Takara should issue MKII now, turning back on supporters on Artic gear is no good. I won't potest if Takara do the command forct, it is no good to stuck on palisen files as there are already no surprise for fans. Hope the responsible officer of Takara wake up after their spring break.
Found a set of 5 1/144 box egg vol.1 in yahoo yesterday. (at very good price too)
And traded with this very nice seller last nite.
Thank him, I finally found this nice toy series.
The AT fly and Fatty carrier are so nicely sculpted and made. They're really nice~~
Anyone see where can find vol. 2?
Since the trading place was at Po Lam station, I went to Wonderxxxx to see seet oys.
And found that they have the 2 new 1/48 AG scopedog on stock.
Not window box this time, but a special version saying "25th Anniversary"
(to make you feel it's better for collecting I think)
For those who hasn't bought any scopedogs or turbo custom, it's good!
but price is quite expensive. (2XX)
原帖由 ikkithefool 於 6-2-2008 08:58 AM 發表
Found a set of 5 1/144 box egg vol.1 in yahoo yesterday. (at very good price too)
And traded with this very nice seller last nite.
Thank him, I finally found this nice toy series.
The AT fly and F ...
The vol1 1/144 are wonderfully done but poor for vol 2, looks there will be no vol.3....