Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Douglas.M.Saint

裝甲騎兵迷請進!! Votoms 專區成立!!

發表於 29-1-2007 15:59:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 29-1-2007 03:50 PM 發表

Soon or later they will dig up Dougram ! Never forget it's the longest SF anime ever broadcast in Japan ar.
I like 1/48 Votoms because they are small yet with cockpit and pilot figures, but if ...

That's because the size for Dougram's machines are much bigger than Votoms if you want to play with the supporting vehicles (Dougram's trailer, Helicopter for Sotic...), I wondered if Takara has in mind forcrossover for these two toy series.
發表於 29-1-2007 16:22:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Panzer 於 29-1-2007 13:55 發表

Yes, so I hyponotise myself  when I walk past those models and believe one day Takara will re-do them with 1/48 technology

So, keep close for 1/24 first.:DD


WAVE出品的1/24的模型,真的要是高手兼超級Fans才會購買,除了Turbo Custom較多零件是重新製作外,其他機體只是重新做過對手便算,但售價就高一截。

即將推出的Scopedog II,連炮都無枝,我諗會買的人唔會太多。和05年6月出那部完全一樣,除了顏色。

發表於 29-1-2007 16:32:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 大姐姐 於 29-1-2007 04:22 PM 發表


WAVE出品的1/24的模型,真的要是高手兼超級Fans才會購買,除了Turbo Custom較多零件是 ...

The turbo custom 1/24 kit has included weapons (Bozooka of course) which was issued by WAVE many years ago and it is still half finished in my drawer.  So far, this series is the best Takara has made.
發表於 29-1-2007 16:43:33 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 29-1-2007 16:53:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 renderman 於 29-1-2007 16:43 發表

Oh! No!  呢個頭部設計有d似當年宮澤(郡氏)出品的特裝機兵(港譯:三一無敵)內的戰鬥服。

若果已忘記了「三一無敵」是什麼? 可瀏覽這網頁。

[ 本文章最後由 大姐姐 於 29-1-2007 05:25 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 29-1-2007 16:57:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 29-1-2007 13:28 發表

yes wor..... Takara skipped Striekdog .... why lei ?~~~ they want to push the sales of 1/18 strikedog ?

Takara真係唔知做乜咁衰!  只將Strikedog 在9X年再過一次版,而且是用這樣的包裝盒。

發表於 29-1-2007 17:04:23 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 29-1-2007 17:08:11 | 顯示全部樓層
I saw the 1/144 box egg in WanChai is #@, could Douglas 大大 tell us that regarding quality and how detail it is.

I am collecting 1/48 and find that it is very detail except the 駕駛倉 small door can not be opened, other than that is very good.

When compair the 1/12 (Yamato) or 1/18 (Takara),  most of the people said Yamato 1/12 is more detail than Takara 1/18 but when considering the price, for the Yamato 1/12, you have to but   駕駛員 and 武器 separately then it will become expensive.  Any 大大 have a more precise comment.
發表於 29-1-2007 17:18:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 大姐姐 於 29-1-2007 05:04 PM 發表
之前在日本丫烏拍賣網找到當年出品的戰棋圖片,當年在1/35的模型廣告紙內得知有這盒玩意,但在香港好似從未發售過,那時真的非常渴望擁有,但現在已不想要。 ...

Yes, unless you have too much time to kill, the chess set will just becoming a display only.
發表於 29-1-2007 17:18:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 N-piccolo 於 29-1-2007 05:08 PM 發表
I saw the 1/144 box egg in WanChai is #@, could Douglas 大大 tell us that regarding quality and how detail it is.

I am collecting 1/48 and find that it is very detail except the 駕駛倉 small door ...

small door ? Takara opened it for you with the up coming new body in MAY :

Takara hear your prayer ! Say ALLELUYA !
發表於 29-1-2007 17:37:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 N-piccolo 於 29-1-2007 17:08 發表
When compare the 1/12 (Yamato) with 1/18 (Takara),  most of the people said Yamato 1/12 is more detail than Takara 1/18 but when considering the price, for the Yamato 1/12, you have to buy  駕駛員 and 武器 separately then it will become expensive.  Any 大大 have a more precise comment.  

雖然Yamato出品的質素在不斷改進中,但整體(除了手指)都是Takara的較靚和硬淨。  Yamato最初出的綠狗和紫狗,越來越多人將之放棄,低價出售。
發表於 29-1-2007 18:14:06 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 29-1-2007 18:47:37 | 顯示全部樓層
ALLELUYA ! :^:shiny: thanks WalkerMachine  大大's news and the value comment from Jazzblues and big sister 大大. So I know what I shall pay more attention now.

[ 本文章最後由 N-piccolo 於 29-1-2007 06:49 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 29-1-2007 19:18:55 | 顯示全部樓層

發表於 29-1-2007 19:24:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 custom 於 29-1-2007 07:18 PM 發表
機甲獵兵 ...

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