Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Douglas.M.Saint

裝甲騎兵迷請進!! Votoms 專區成立!!

 樓主| 發表於 5-2-2007 13:50:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Decals for 1/48...........................??? :shiny:  Is it true?  Any further details of it?  :)
發表於 5-2-2007 13:55:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 5-2-2007 01:50 PM 發表
Decals for 1/48...........................??? :shiny:  Is it true?  Any further details of it?  :)

Sorry, I just said Takara should do it, there is no plans for it yet. :(
發表於 5-2-2007 13:58:34 | 顯示全部樓層
Decal sheet ! That's a good idea too ! Takara should think about it if they want to make some easy money !
I used WAVE's 1/60 decal sheet here :
發表於 5-2-2007 14:08:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 5-2-2007 01:58 PM 發表
Decal sheet ! That's a good idea too ! Takara should think about it if they want to make some easy money !
I used WAVE's 1/60 decal sheet here : ...

Denki Hobby has issued a 1/48 decal in one of its monthly issue in 2006 (will check my stuff tonight), so it is sure a easy money. I checked the Takara WEB and surprising there is no e-mail for customers enquiry or suggestions. Well, I will check the package of the Fatty B-type tonight. Brother Walkermachine, I hate myself when I saw you finished the weathering and detail up of the turbo, I have to make some time out to fix up those turbos and Red Shoulders (1 for Chirico, 3 for the red-shoulder team, 3 for the Remen's team)
:*:*:* (but to wait my kid sleep first)
發表於 5-2-2007 15:14:12 | 顯示全部樓層
yep, I bought that issue of Dengeki Hobby because of the decal sheets~~~~~~
(haven't applied it though, me too lazy)

By the way, where can still find the Remen's team?
(I wanted to buy it, cos I like the scopedog with the huge antenna and the detachable pile bunker, but with the other 2 scopedogs....................... :blame::blame:)
發表於 5-2-2007 15:18:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 ikkithefool 於 5-2-2007 03:14 PM 發表
yep, I bought that issue of Dengeki Hobby because of the decal sheets~~~~~~
(haven't applied it though, me too lazy)

By the way, where can still find the Remen's team?
(I wanted to buy it, cos ...

Chance of finding them in HK is very low as few people have interest. I suggest you to ask if Axxxxxx (船) can order it for you cause I got it from the shop.
發表於 6-2-2007 02:05:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 太陽之牙 於 5-2-2007 12:04 AM 發表
4th  Gastydog

Gastydog出自超任Game "The Battling Road", 此外某PS遊戲都有出過場。Gastydog雖然從未在動畫中出現過, 但我覺得其設計係云云AT中top class之作! 可惜除左GGP出過1/48 G-kit外, 就冇再出過任何玩具…

5th Scallop SL

Scallop SL只在超任Game "The Battling Road"中出現, 係game中最終boss(中間boss係上圖Gastydog左手邊隻龜龜)。最初出現時好似高達NT-1咁披住裝甲, 打一輪先現出真身。又係超型的design, 可惜又係只出過1/48 G-kit…


雖然無人理, 但都加番d設定圖先:

發表於 6-2-2007 07:59:26 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 太陽之牙 於 6-2-2007 02:05 AM 發表


雖然無人理, 但都巧w圖先:

http:// ...

Brother, your AT data is rather new to me, but don't give up in exploring votoms because we are slow in response:love:. These AT design are for games only and seldom be seen in animation. Still a good reference for variation. Thx again.
 樓主| 發表於 6-2-2007 09:05:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 太陽之牙 於 6-2-2007 02:05 AM 發表


雖然無人理, 但都巧w圖先:

http:// ...

Brother, I remember that I have played this game before...................... :shy:
發表於 6-2-2007 10:07:50 | 顯示全部樓層
Hey Dougram bigbig !! I am just slow at reply because this thread will be a long long lasting one heeheeheee we have time mar....
I am happy that u also like " strange looking " AT and newly design ATs just like me, do u like the RED and GREEN Calamity from CM's ?? I want to buy them .... but they are really quite big for my "votoms display area" and there proportion are very different form Max's 1/35 .... just can't make up my mind ....
 樓主| 發表於 6-2-2007 10:47:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 WalkerMachine 於 6-2-2007 10:07 AM 發表
Hey Dougram bigbig !! I am just slow at reply because this thread will be a long long lasting one heeheeheee we have time mar....
I am happy that u also like " strange looking " AT and n ...

Calamity...................... Still can be seen in SupermXX and also WonderlXXd..................... But I have gave them up casue this latest design is really........................... :(

They are designed by 滕田一已, not "Big River", right?  :)
發表於 6-2-2007 11:09:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 6-2-2007 10:47 AM 發表

Calamity...................... Still can be seen in SupermXX and also WonderlXXd..................... But I have gave them up casue this latest design is really........................... :(


Of course, Big River is always on the safe-side because the old man still need money for his retirement (laugh!) I also saw the latest photo of 高橋, now he is already a white-haired man, comparing a thick black hair man in the 90s :die:

To correct my recent info on decal, the 1/48 decal was from the 12/05 issue of Denki and I am trying to scan it for all Big Big, you can use a colour deskjet to print it on the clear decal for applying to the 1/48 items. (use the office scanner would be ...:o)
發表於 6-2-2007 13:02:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 太陽之牙 於 6-2-2007 02:05 AM 發表


雖然無人理, 但都巧w圖先:

http:// ...

發表於 7-2-2007 01:07:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank for the kind replies from all big big~:$

您玩過隻game? 係超任定PS? 好玩嘛? 唔知呢隻game有冇rom可以用模擬器玩呢?

高橋良輔蒼老左好多, 但大河原就保養得唔錯…希望新OVA的AT設計唔好好似Gundam Seed 咁…

紅綠Calamitydog套裝我都想入, 但係總想買左隻blue version Zerberus先, 可惜當時冇買, 而家周圍都唔再見到有, 希望邊位知邊樹有得賣請告知小弟…:no:

發表於 7-2-2007 01:10:37 | 顯示全部樓層
我慢慢覺得自己入隻1比18 DMZ系列係好錯,呢個系列好似唔會出太多機款.
唔知大家有乜意見?好唔好改玩MAX 1比35?
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