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[新品消息] 橫山宏 - SF3D 資訊專區 ( News of 1/76 Nutrocker finished model on Page 14 )

發表於 7-3-2008 23:32:59 | 顯示全部樓層

Re-isue of NITTO's stuff?  Or new design SAFS???  :55:
發表於 8-3-2008 02:10:03 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 7-3-2008 11:32 PM 發表

Re-isue of NITTO's stuff?  Or new design SAFS???  :55:

應該係日東舊parts + Wave新parts

另外日東科學係咪又再倒閉(但官方網頁如常運作)? 市面已經唔再見有Nitto的Ma.K.模型賣…有幾款而家想買番都冇:die:

Ma.K.模型咁稀少, 真係趁有貨時要快手入…
發表於 13-3-2008 12:24:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Anyway, I have found a NEW armor fight suit at 2/F, Causeway Centre.  Cost $7XX and I haven't seen this model before............. Any bros have information for it?  :55:
發表於 14-3-2008 14:45:07 | 顯示全部樓層
Woo, seems I miss the above topics again...:79:

From what I seen from the link, it just an old news where actual model was released on 2005 instead of now. (see:Kow Yokoyama 2005 Cooperation with NITTO and MODELKASTEN). At the time where WAVE just brougth license from Ma.K/Kow.  - Even the price are selling at 2, mentioned by 太陽之牙, this box is equipped both resin part with SAFS mold kit.....

While Wave pick up the license, they modified the resin part as plastic mold kit too. So, cost of the original box is believe pretty rare...

Believe it or not, it's in my collection item too.

You mean Archelon right? It was release last Dec.....pretty odd design from Kow, so I pass with this one though.....:unhappy:

[ 本帖最後由 evilalive 於 14-3-2008 02:58 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 14-3-2008 17:28:00 | 顯示全部樓層
That's it~~~~~~~~~ But why they dare to cost it $7XX?  Any special for it?  Model from Nitto?  :50:
發表於 15-3-2008 23:25:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 14-3-2008 05:28 PM 發表
That's it~~~~~~~~~ But why they dare to cost it $7XX?  Any special for it?  Model from Nitto?  :50:

Model contain both resin and mold parts, limited production due to nature of resin parts. Sale at 7800 yen in Japan. No wonder why price tagged at $7XX.....:80: :56:
However, as I know, some Japanese has already replicates the resin body part that sell it with lower cost......
發表於 19-3-2008 09:03:21 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 evilalive 於 15-3-2008 11:25 PM 發表

Model contain both resin and mold parts, limited production due to nature of resin parts. Sale at 7800 yen in Japan. No wonder why price tagged at $7XX.....:80: :56:
However, as I know, some Jap ...

I see.............. :70:   Regret thatit is issued by NITTO. Not wave............... :(

If it is WAVE's product, I will consider to get it caseu those 1/20 models are very good indeed!  :71:
發表於 19-3-2008 18:15:41 | 顯示全部樓層
Wave is good in terms of the "plastic" material they use. But I still favor with Nitto as they're the real original stuff though....:unhappy: Guess that's why price of them still kept at high level worldwide.:?
發表於 20-3-2008 09:43:19 | 顯示全部樓層
................. Apart from AFS, no news that WAVE will issue SAFS and PKA for 1/20 model?  :55:

I really wanna get P.K.A.S, P.K.A.M, Archelon and Snake EYE...............:79:
發表於 20-3-2008 12:12:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 20-3-2008 09:43 AM 發表
................. Apart from AFS, no news that WAVE will issue SAFS and PKA for 1/20 model?  :55:

I really wanna get P.K.A.S, P.K.A.M, Archelon and Snake EYE...............:79:

As mentioned by 太陽之牙, it is believe that 長谷川(Hasegawa) shall release Kow's product in 2008 and Wave may no longer held the license from the series.....:56: However, you may still have chance in getting them in the future if they manufacturing the whole SF3D series....:58:
發表於 2-5-2008 00:49:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Conversion kit for LUNA PAWN into RALLY PAWN......:43:

發表於 2-5-2008 15:25:21 | 顯示全部樓層
Brother Evil, will build it soon?  :D

No news for SF3D now....................... :56:
發表於 2-5-2008 20:57:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 2-5-2008 03:25 PM 發表
Brother Evil, will build it soon?  :D

No news for SF3D now....................... :56:

No la Big bro D.M.Saint, pretty busy with both work and evening studies won't able to build this till got every settle.....:unhappy:

Guess they are all pending till confirmation of the license acquisition from Hasegawa:(  Anyway, price of SF3D gets higher and higher at evilbay because of the shortage.......
 樓主| 發表於 2-5-2008 23:28:01 | 顯示全部樓層

SF3D 1/16 Custom (自改)第三隻 - SHARK - 多圖

SF3D 1/16 Custom (自改)第三隻 - SHARK - 多圖SF3D 1/16 Custom (自改)第三隻 - SHARK

經過慢長的兩年,重拾改了一半的1/16 SF3D Snake eye,決定把它完成!
橫山宏 的SF3D - 是我非常喜外的作品!一直也有儲其畫集,及玩具!


兩年前MAX FACTORY,好\開了這條1/16 新LINE,小弟非常喜歡!SIZE 沒 1/20那麼少!放出來也很好看!但這系列的缺點是上色太新了。沒有軍士味!故小弟便把它做舊化,看來順眼得多!於是心裹便產生了一個念頭,要CUSTOM制作一小隊!於是便把這隻SNAKE EYE 做手術,改了第一隻 "HAMMER"

HAMMER 的改動重點在頭部及手槍部份,我把它定為小隊裹的"通訊機"。頭部突起為加強了的通訊設備,再加上收發天線。這是我自己的概念。手槍部份,特別造得較重形一些。目的只是想和原裝有點不同。

"SHARK" 的概念是想做一款高速形機體!功能為偵察用!故設計加大了後機身,腳部也加了推進器,及一返動力推進器(減速用)!雷達方面,減了外露的片形天線,改為內置形,使外形較簡單!



再來是 自改 (CUSTOM) 形號 "HAMMER"

以下的便是荒廢了兩年的 "SHARK"


B- 一部份手術過程



現在開始構思第四部機體,希望遲D再同大家分享!:shy: :shy:
發表於 3-5-2008 00:25:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Woo, this is too damn cool. Love your work my dear. :71:

Truely, this is the real beauty for SF3D......Un-limited expansion in design with SAFS:43:
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