After joining TD last year, I got a lot more toys in 1 yr then ever! Well, the Gundam 30th anniversary help (should say pioson!) a lot too. let's 分享 with all the big big.
Really like the box art of the Exia R2 + 0 Gundam, so I leave it on my bar top as well as my favorite Gundam Fix figures
Here is my MG table top & VF airport. I just start to build MG last yr, so most of them are only 素組. Also still waiting to get the SSP for my VF-1S. And I will collect the Roy 1S, 1D, VF-25G...etc. when I back to HK in the future. Also notice my Pioneer kuro plasma! best TV you can get, LCD/LED... leave it for computer monitor!

My Zeon MG squad, more to come... can't live with just 素組 on Zeon MS

The only model car that still not broken by my son... BMW E36 and some misc. toys

My Revotech collections... well mainly is Revoltech Getter

Revoltech Macross collection, the new transformable Revoltech are so loosely build!

Here are my robot魂, s-hcm pro Gundam collection (00 Raiser is my only HG)

Some of my boxes of hcm-pro and some of them are still haven't open yet

My Gundam 00 hcm-pro collection that sitting beside me right now

Old collection... the GP-01 & Nu were built ~20 yr ago and even the impulses were bought 4yr ago. Of course the 30th anniversary box 草餅 was bought last yr from Toyko :)

OYW hcm-pro collection

My teenage daughter's room... what a big mess... But the main point is her GSD HG kit and the big green haro. Also she has a kululu doll since she like kululu a lot more than the rest of four. She think kululu is so smart and bright. Hope that what she aim for her boyfriend.

My hcm pro, MG, PG collection

My most original MG 嘆息之牆 on my home office, that's my first 嘆息之牆

My Getta & Mazinder SOC Collection... waiting the GX-51 & GX-52 to join soon!

My 7yr old son's room, all are built by himself but also a big mess! And some of them already fallen apart since he will really play with it and keep changing pose

Some hcm-pro & EMSIA under the TV on my bedroom

My GS/GSD Gundam fix collection, still missing the legend Gundam

My only SIC Rider V3 and my EMSIA Zeta & MkII... Z Gundam is still my favorite Gundam

1/100 00 Gundam that built by my son on top of the fireplace of family room

Some of my others SOC collection

The UC Gundam Fix collection

My another MG 嘆息之牆 + PG 00 & PG Zeta. Most of them were bought @ 09 ^^'

No toys over here, but it is the room that I do all the paint job

Haven't take a pic on my son's thomas train track land... the biggest playground on my house! |