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發表於 28-12-2009 11:48:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

最近因為貼圖成日出現問題...令到好多大大睇相都不勝其煩地copy&paste 先睇到
因為這個板多人睇一點....我都希望多d 大大睇下這個貼...過一、二天才移這貼吧!!

我極力推薦貼圖的大大可以用 來上載圖片,而且還有不同尺寸選擇.....蠻好用的一個upload 網站...又不會有廣告跳出來...而且好易用

發表於 28-12-2009 11:52:00 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 28-12-2009 11:54:37 | 顯示全部樓層 既圖一樣會有 brandwidth 限制. 如果一 d HOT item 既 大圖, 用 direct link 的話 ... imageshack 係 頂唔到 5 個鍾 的 ... 我之前 post 過 SHF gill 的圖, 唔洗 5個鍾就有 包食 ... 再講, d 到都有教用 imageshack.
anyway, thank you.
發表於 28-12-2009 11:54:50 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 哨牙囡 於 28-12-2009 11:52 AM 發表

發表於 28-12-2009 12:01:28 | 顯示全部樓層
And, Gold Forg do not support any hotlink in China ISP................. :o

Anyway, thx! :handshake:
發表於 28-12-2009 12:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 28-12-2009 13:04:07 | 顯示全部樓層金色青蛙,好似唔系甘好用姐~~
發表於 28-12-2009 20:31:41 | 顯示全部樓層
自從 Flickr 唔得之後, 我轉o左用 google o既 picasa web album, 有 1g storage, 我試過單一file 2.7M 都可以照up 上去. 大家不妨嘗嘗~

Album Properties: Album limits
As you accumulate more pictures in Picasa Web Albums, please keep inmind your account limits. These limits differ depending on the storageplan you're using:
For users with the standard (free) one GB of storage, the following limits apply:
  • Maximum number of web albums: 250
  • Maximum number of photos per web album: 500
Users with upgraded storage have the following limits:
  • Maximum number of web albums: 1000
  • Maximum number of photos per web album: 1000

發表於 28-12-2009 20:44:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 goahead 於 28-12-2009 08:31 PM 發表
自從 Flickr 唔得之後, 我轉o左用 google o既 picasa web album, 有 1g storage, 我試過單一file 2.7M 都可以照up 上去. 大家不妨嘗嘗~

A ...

After testing, Picasa's web album cannot be shown in China ISP also................... :56: :56: :56:

So, I use Picasa in HK and use flickr in China's threads.............. :68: :68: :68:
發表於 28-12-2009 20:47:37 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 28-12-2009 08:44 PM 發表

After testing, Picasa's web album cannot be shown in China ISP also................... :56: :56: :56:

So, I use Picasa in HK and use flickr in China's threads.............. :68: :68: :68:

係內地就無計lu :63:
發表於 29-12-2009 10:42:20 | 顯示全部樓層
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