I probably would have gotten them all if I live in Hong Kong. Here in the US they are not too easy to find, and very expensive when I can find them. I am waiting for the price to drop on eBay.
I probably would have gotten them all if I live in Hong Kong. Here in the US they are not too easy to find, and very expensive when I can find them. I am waiting for the price to drop on eBay.
Regret to hear that............. I know that we are happy to play and buy toys in HK. Many items can be choosen and price is reasonable when compare with overseas.:56:
very sad that the series is dead.... the MSV dream is still a dream... X(
see this...
[url=http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/*http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gundam_efsf/article?mid=3917]Oh! My MSV dream... (ZEONOGRAPHY未商品化)[/url]