一個發生在天空上的"海盜"射擊戰鬥游戲,敵人全是海中的生物和金屬機械人,玩家可選擇"海盜","官兵","尋寶者"等人物,駕著自己的戰鬥船在不同國家的天空上戰鬥,最後組成一隊隊有共同意志的同盟競逐最高權力,來!來一起找尋屬於自己的偉大航導吧!(By EMAN)


各Boss HP與攻擊力
16150 HP
Death Coil 3623
Fire Bolt 623 (x3)
Quest: Temple of Pyrxnn (Al Amraan)
Actual Replay: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=327688
Actual Replay 2: http://battlestations.mobileweapon.net/history_view.php?hid=300160
Actual Replay 3: http://battlestations.mobileweapon.net/history_view.php?hid=303859
19150 HP
Grand Charge 3491-3903
Lighting Bolt 797-1073 (x3)
Quest: Gates of Arcahxis (Imperial)
Actual battle : http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=309578
Actual battle 2: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=307664
Actual battle 3: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=325716
30000 HP
Body Smash ~6475
Terra Smash ~5868
Quest: Ancient Ruins of King Macuchitl (Corxas)
Actual Battle : http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=326040
Actual Battle: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=312978
55000 hp
Tsunami 9429
Wave Blast 3795 (x3)
Quest: Explore Treasure Island (Jade)
Actual battle: http://battlestations.mobileweapon.net/history_view.php?hid=198788
Actual battle: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=293545
Twinheaded Dragon
80000 hp
Artic Blast 5449 (x3)
Conflagration 4244 (x3)
Quest: Explore the Dark Maelstrom (Aeros)
Actual Battle: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=322229
Fortress Wall Segment
100000 hp
Dark Cannon ~27500
Quest: Dark City (Aeros)
Actual Battle: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=331326
Zenon MAW
130000 HP
Hell Hunters ~2828×3
Ruby Beam ~1990×4
Hades Slash ~10139×2
Quest: Assault on the Dark City (Aeros)
Actual Battle : http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=225713
Actual Battle : http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=350051
Roughly 100 million HP (approximated)
Heaven Ray ~47051-56692
Quest: Mobile Weapon (Aeros)
Actual battle: http://apps.facebook.com/battlestations/history_view.php?hid=301913
Pirate King
325000 HP
Bone Spirit ~28225
Rain of Frost ~28546
Eye of the Storm ~46333
Quest: Challenge the Pirate King (Lands of Frost)
Actual battle: http://battlestations.mobileweapon.net/history_view.php?hid=372614
帝國皇城做任務1, 2, 3 到12lv and 翡翠群島任務4出
去沙漠迷城做任務1, 2, 3 到30lv and 哥斯森林任務4出
去哥斯森林做任務1, 2 到35lv and 帝國皇城任務4出
去翡翠群島做任務1, 2, 3, 4 到40lv and 沙漠迷城任務4, 翡翠群島任務5出
去哥斯森林做任務3,4 到60lv and 天空之城任務2出
去沙漠迷城做任務4, 5
去帝國皇城做任務4 - 帝國皇城任務5出
(帝國皇城任務5, 哥斯森林任務5無70-80lv都過唔到,可以唔做住)
去天空之城做任務1,2 到85Lv
去翡翠群島做任務5 到99Lv and 天空之城任務3出
去天空之城做任務3, 4, 5 - 到135Lv
[ 本帖最後由 eman 於 17-9-2009 01:30 AM 編輯 ] |