發表於 12-11-2006 12:03:27
原帖由 MS-09_DOM 於 12-11-2006 01:50 AM 發表
係呢, 我check 過連結, 無問題的
而且我打開個帖, 我又睇到我自己post d 圖,
但點解 有人回應話 睇到 ; 但有人話睇唔到呢?
help !!!!!
請求 版主 或 管理員 指點迷津......thanks
Don't call me 版主, call me Tak or Douglas is OK! :)
Yahoo is not support for [img] function, try other web albums such as flickr or photobucket. Upload those pics again and all of us can see them afterwards.
p.s. This is my dream collection of Dom................................