Dragon Value+ Action Figures…going…going…gone!
When Dragon first introduced the Value+ line, it was to provide the figure market with a low cost, high value alternative during the times of the struggling economy. The series was met with positive response from both retailers and consumers who wanted more "bang for their buck" while still being able to enjoy the hobby.
Recently, with the reports of the economy improving, and the stock markets continuing to go up, it appears that there may no longer be a need for the Value+ line. Positive sales of Dragon's Gear+ line have also indicated that the trend is shifting to higher end figures. Furthermore, inflation, and the rising price of raw materials and labor make it extremely difficult to produce a figure at such a low price. So, weighing all these factors, Dragon has decided to cancel the Value+ line of figures.
For those of you who missed out at the beginning, now is the time to purchase what's left of the Value+ line! Because when it's gone, it's gone forever!
之前出左四款德軍既value series...而家話經濟好返唔出喇:79: ...
其實value line個價錢真係幾抵,仲諗住威龍因為生意麻麻地先出....點知出一批就唔出.仲以為會出幾隻二戰美軍...希望威龍只係想谷下銷量,遲d會出美軍