Warmblood 發表於 5-2-2008 17:55:33

原帖由 OST 於 5-2-2008 05:50 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

唔好講喇, 如果TV版啡1A都係咁平, 我真係死俾你地睇喇, 因為我d買玩具預算係由女朋友大人管轄(有晒excel file keep record), 呢個月佢俾我o既預算只係剩返兩舊水咋, 因為呢個月只係過左短短幾日, 我已經買左好多野 ...

所以我仲意玩1/48........我捲起D"私己"然後插入fast pack條筒到.....:34:

OST 發表於 5-2-2008 18:01:26

原帖由 Warmblood 於 5-2-2008 05:55 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

所以我仲意玩1/48........我捲起D"私己"然後插入fast pack條筒到.....:34:
腳件fast pack開鏍絲後應該可以"攝"張一千蚊紙, 兩邊夾埋就二千, 推進器每邊一千, fast pack總銀紙搭載量係四千:34:

Warmblood 發表於 5-2-2008 18:03:55

原帖由 OST 於 5-2-2008 06:01 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

腳件fast pack開鏍絲後應該可以"攝"張一千蚊紙, 兩邊夾埋就二千, 推進器每邊一千, fast pack總銀紙搭載量係四千:34:


OST 發表於 20-2-2008 11:56:28

借walkermachine大大靚圖一用, 請勿見怪, thx!!

red & blue fast pack x1
原色fast pack x3
重裝甲 x1
量產型 x1

有冇兄弟好似我咁洗濕左個頭, 之前買左part 1 & 2, total6盒架?

Warmblood 發表於 20-2-2008 12:22:56


OST 發表於 20-2-2008 12:46:27

原帖由 Warmblood 於 20-2-2008 12:22 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
oh, 韋基利落入小朋友手中大都難逃被玩爛o既後果:80:

Warmblood 發表於 20-2-2008 12:54:47

原帖由 OST 於 20-2-2008 12:46 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

oh, 韋基利落入小朋友手中大都難逃被玩爛o既後果:80:


alan168hk 發表於 20-2-2008 19:52:19

回覆 859# 的文章

隻vf-1j 沒買到

Warmblood 發表於 21-2-2008 09:56:12

原帖由 alan168hk 於 20-2-2008 07:52 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
隻vf-1j 沒買到

其實最早開發1/100時 Toynami己有Fast Pack的初樣....但唔知為何拖咁耐先有包裝樣.......都唔知幾時見街........

OST 發表於 21-2-2008 11:13:34

原帖由 Warmblood 於 21-2-2008 09:56 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

其實最早開發1/100時 Toynami己有Fast Pack的初樣....但唔知為何拖咁耐先有包裝樣.......都唔知幾時見街........
見街都唔知買唔買好, 之前睡記開倉, 見好多大大都入左, red & blue各三草, 但我買果時五魚1set:70:

roundbun 發表於 21-2-2008 11:16:55

原帖由 Warmblood 於 5-2-2008 02:41 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

小弟都會待1/60 VF-1S出後買隻享受下.......ok的話梗會追落去.......但直致現時....1/48的魔力一直未有減退......我重有好多諗頭仲未開波............

Yeh well, i think yamato may concentrate on developing 1:60 in the forseeable future.I haven't bought any 1/48 before.1/60 black YF-19 is my first transformable macross toy.

roundbun 發表於 21-2-2008 11:18:04

原帖由 OST 於 5-2-2008 02:47 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

我鍾意1/48夠大隻, 1/60之前都出過啦, 亦都擁有其中幾隻, 而且我鍾意儲唔同size, 所以任何比例我都鍾意:34:

:72: you guys must all be richie... got all the spaces & $$$ for different scale models / toys...

Warmblood 發表於 21-2-2008 11:20:17

原帖由 roundbun 於 21-2-2008 11:16 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Yeh well, i think yamato may concentrate on developing 1:60 in the forseeable future.I haven't bought any 1/48 before.1/60 black YF-19 is my first transformable macross toy.

bro roundbun.....do u have any comments for your first transformable macross toy. can you share your feeling and photos to us.:64:

Monutal 發表於 21-2-2008 12:11:38

原帖由 OST 於 20-2-2008 11:56 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
借walkermachine大大靚圖一用, 請勿見怪, thx!!

red & blue fast pack x1
原色fast pack x3
重裝甲 x1
量產型 x1

有冇兄弟好似 ...

I got all 6 of them. Just didn't get the limited VF-1S (RED) Hikaru DYRL version.
I will have to buy all these pack. been waiting for them for a long long long long long time!!!
Anyone see them available please quickly post it here, so we can all grab 1 as soon as they are available!

OST 發表於 21-2-2008 12:42:56

原帖由 Monutal 於 21-2-2008 12:11 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

I got all 6 of them. Just didn't get the limited VF-1S (RED) Hikaru DYRL version.
I will have to buy all these pack. been waiting for them for a long long long long long time!!!
Any ...
limited VF-1S (RED) Hikaru DYRL version我都好想要, 曾經係賣上拍賣見過, 個盒好似係黑色o既, 但個價係普通版o既幾倍:70:
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