弄內洋太 發表於 12-5-2014 00:23:57


kyostanley 發表於 12-5-2014 11:32:34

AK30 發表於 11-5-2014 07:05 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

係lor, 個頭好有勇者機械人feel, 不過太多同型機啦, 而且隻色無消光搞到好膠, 都係唔入了....

Gainax 發表於 12-5-2014 12:25:21

想問有無人係HLJ 訂左呢隻?


係咪HLJ 寄DX macross一向唔寄SAL ?

我係amiami , 1999 , NY買DX macross都寄過SAL無問題

mythsgod 發表於 12-5-2014 18:53:09

fatcheong 發表於 12-5-2014 19:24:19


Gainax 發表於 13-5-2014 00:30:50


如果這item用不到SAL 訂時都應該沒有提供SAL option啦,在amiami 訂25F加一盒cm's figure 都可以一起sal運過來...

但再三同HLJ e-mail 聯絡佢地都答此item只可Fed-ex同 EMS兩個options, 那沒有辦法了

rxooo 發表於 13-5-2014 20:45:52


mythsgod 發表於 13-5-2014 21:23:15

rxooo 發表於 13-5-2014 21:41:40

回復 23# mythsgod

mythsgod 發表於 13-5-2014 21:58:30

可變戰士 發表於 13-5-2014 22:12:32

本帖最後由 可變戰士 於 14-5-2014 10:43 AM 編輯

天日唔落大雨, 我都會去碰碰運嘅! {:1_197:}

felixchi 發表於 14-5-2014 10:23:20

seems very unlikely you can buy at Panda toys because the price in Japan is high(around JPY24000)

ToyKnife 發表於 14-5-2014 15:33:25


這Ozuma YF-29 不是限定吧? 會再版吧?....最多買咗parts先! :67:

felixchi 發表於 14-5-2014 16:22:59


這Ozuma YF-29 不是限定吧? 會再版吧?....最多買咗parts先!
ToyKnife 發表於 14-5-2014 03:33 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

it is so hard to say that. No one can predict which product Bandai is going to repaint.

ToyKnife 發表於 14-5-2014 17:29:02

it is so hard to say that. No one can predict which product Bandai is going to repaint.
felixchi 發表於 14-5-2014 04:22 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Sad but true...:42:
However, I meant no rush for this first issue, no rush for "fried" price. I will grab it anyway with the same color tone (hope there is imporvement). The price should be cheaper for re-issue, right? Fingers cross....:o
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