starcraft2010 發表於 25-4-2014 10:37:16

all must be careful 現代模型黑店黎 非常不負責

diu 現代模型黑店黎,非常不負責 BlackListed
got a DJI phantom fc40 from them 2days ago when tested at shop it look ok
but second day found camera have problem so took it back to them and they refuse to exchange and said it not their problem and i have to pay for repair and shipping....

乳豬仔 發表於 27-4-2014 01:21:44



BigOil 發表於 27-4-2014 10:58:21

diu 現代模型黑店黎,非常不負責 BlackListed
got a DJI phantom fc40 from them 2days ago when tested a ...
starcraft2010 發表於 25-4-2014 10:37 AM


0din 發表於 27-4-2014 10:59:05

關店咩事?   產品問題唔系製造商責任咩

HighLamb 發表於 27-4-2014 15:58:55

個尐所謂香港代理就更加唔負責任,你唔好以為個尐遙控器、接收機、servo 係電子野就自動會有一年保養........係唔會有的,買左有壞的話,就要俾錢先至有得修理;呢個就係香港遙控模型界的不成文定律。

Gainax 發表於 28-4-2014 00:58:28

回復 1# starcraft2010

師兄,我都有買FC40,你個camera 咩問題?

DJI 香港有代理的,但我唔知現袋係咪買行貨,

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查看完整版本: all must be careful 現代模型黑店黎 非常不負責