7仔 發表於 3-4-2013 02:06:48

回復 105# taikin0901

    Oh no~~{:1_229:}

oscartsoi 發表於 3-4-2013 12:22:17

I got refund AS well.

My paypal use my HK address in auto.

Enterbay said cant change

basic15 發表於 3-4-2013 12:30:51

我有澳門 & 大陸 & 澳洲 address.

EB 個instruction 寫不送到"香港", 又無講唔送國內, 我咪揀大陸個地址囉, 點知又話唔送大陸....

頂, 又唔俾改, 結果 refund......... SAD爆

oscartsoi 發表於 3-4-2013 12:51:50

我有澳門 & 大陸 & 澳洲 address.

EB 個instruction 寫不送到"香港", 又無講唔送國內, 我咪揀大陸個地址 ...
basic15 發表於 3-4-2013 12:30 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

SAME Situation

宇宙之王者 發表於 3-4-2013 13:15:46


7仔 發表於 3-4-2013 13:26:29

回復 110# 宇宙之王者


basic15 發表於 3-4-2013 13:59:27

SAME Situation
oscartsoi 發表於 3-4-2013 12:51 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

尋日打電話去 Sales Dept., 佢地自己都認個 instruction 係有D問題.........

所以佢地hold 起左大陸地址果D order, 要商量後, 決定收大陸單皮夜晚先 refund...

即係都知道自己寫得唔清楚, 但係又唔補救.

air_jordan 發表於 3-4-2013 14:10:21

尋日打電話去 Sales Dept., 佢地自己都認個 instruction 係有D問題.........

所以佢地hold 起左大陸 ...
basic15 發表於 3-4-2013 01:59 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

EB應該當大陸係exceptional case咁照賣俾user la, 錯又唔補鑊,玩死班user咩...:53:

7仔 發表於 3-4-2013 14:22:46

回復 107# oscartsoi


90badboy 發表於 3-4-2013 14:25:21

I have called enterbay and they say the purchase system has some problem...therefore they have accept over 200 quota from the net. Some member maybe registered after 200. Therefore the purchase become unsuccessful

oscartsoi 發表於 3-4-2013 14:37:40

回復 114# 7仔

Refunded yesterday night. Paypal used HK address and cant change back to AU.

Enterbay not allow this.

7仔 發表於 3-4-2013 14:44:45


oscartsoi 發表於 3-4-2013 15:03:02

回復 117# 7仔

I believe will have some stocks leave, but not sure if EB will release it on website again or any other arrangement.

Information is complicated this time

taikin0901 發表於 3-4-2013 15:51:52


rilplsc06 發表於 3-4-2013 17:02:03

我只#45係高追品, 今次兩款既頭會唔會唔同?{:1_215:}
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