原罪 發表於 28-11-2011 23:36:11

轉載 日本動畫從業者透露慘淡實情…



flash 發表於 29-11-2011 15:19:00

very good info, thanks for the post.
in the article, it says illustrationist's wage hasn't gone up over the last 20 yrs.
and their wages mainly link to the amount of money developer can pay per
episode. so that means the price of producing an animation has't gone up
for the last 2 decades? hardly the truth i supposed.

so where has all the money gone to? marketing? voice acting and soundtracks?

zero2443 發表於 29-11-2011 20:00:38


garykctse 發表於 29-11-2011 21:10:37




原罪 發表於 29-11-2011 22:12:36


flash 發表於 30-11-2011 15:12:54

回復 4# garykctse

that being said, each episode is within 200k yen,
it seems that's only a guide line, and i supposed
it was 1 or 2 decades ago. with the amount of
computerized designs and CG invloved it has to
worth a lot more tho. i can't imagine an episode
of pokemon cost the same as an episode of

garykctse 發表於 30-11-2011 15:32:19


that being said, each episode is within 200k yen,
it seems that's only a guid ...
flash 發表於 30/11/2011 15:12 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

當然20萬日元 (其實呢個銀碼都有好多種講法, 但係總之都唔係多啦) 係當年 (1960 年代 中後期) 都唔係一個高碼價, 但係我只不過係強調呢種以低成本 + 壓搾勞工嘅傳統來自有之

大大講到 Fate/stay night, 其實亦代表左今時今日一種 (好似) 成為左時尚嘅製作模式 -- 製作委員會, 即係由幾家製作公司 + 贊助 / 廣告商共同出錢製作以減低風險, 好處係銀彈可以相信充裕, 作畫 / 特技效果 (如牙狼) 可以比較交足功課, 缺點可能會係令製作內容比較趨向保守

garykctse 發表於 30-11-2011 15:34:59

原罪 發表於 29/11/2011 22:12 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

其實小弟都係睇傻呼嚕同盟嘅大作先知嘅 :(

其實宮埼老頭一直以來果種高成本 (相對) 高水準大製作嘅模式, 據聞其實就係對手塚模式嘅反動 :64:

flash 發表於 30-11-2011 16:11:15

回復 7# garykctse

thanks for the clarifcation, really learned a lot about their industry.
in the article, it says there are endless supply of new blood entrying
the business, i guess with the high supply of willingly cheap labour,
is really not a favourable sector to be in. and you said 傻呼嚕同盟,
it seems that's a nice blog. i have interest to look into it further ~

garykctse 發表於 30-11-2011 16:29:06

雖然話係咁講, 但係將所有野推哂比手塚老師又真係唔係太公平, 因為戰後日本好一段時間, 日本就只有類似今日宮埼模式果種一年半載以上先有一套長篇嘅大製作 (仲要係劇場 / 電影版), 果陣如果同人地講, 可以有每星期播一次, 每次三十分鐘嘅連續劇動畫, 大多數人都會話你痴線嘅。手塚老師創立嘅一系列方法, 包括重用舊有畫面, 簡化畫面流動質量 (減少每秒鐘格數) 同埋 低薪 + 高工時作業的確為日後日本動畫起飛立下不少貢獻, 只不過今時今日嘅人會唔會再接受呢 d 「食老本」慳錢嘅方式呢?

takeshi 發表於 30-11-2011 21:28:05


mushroom 發表於 11-2-2012 11:16:23


香港人 發表於 12-2-2012 17:05:34

雖然係辛勞, 但同美國動畫師相提並論似乎唔太適合, 雖知道美國動畫發行全球的機遇大得多, 就算只計電視卡通, 整個美洲, 歐洲都已經是日本的好幾倍, 更有數之不盡的狄士尼卡通, 夢工場卡通等等發行全球, 有左全球性優勢當然可吸納更多人, 及人工高, 加上兩地文化不同, 歐美地區好多工都係優閒生活, 而亞洲地區就偏向多勞...
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