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[玩具報告] 被掉進垃圾槽的士長...... 白銀隊長!

發表於 5-7-2016 17:28:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Captain Phasma

The commander of the First Order's Stormtroopers, Captain Phasma is described as a "tough veteran commander" and one of a "commanding triumvirate" of the First Order alongside Kylo Ren and General Hux.

Phasma is depicted wearing salvaged chromium armor, which in The Force Awakens' visual dictionary is established as coming from a Naboo yacht once owned by Emperor Palpatine. It is said to serve "primarily as a symbol of past power".  Chris Laverty, creator of costume analysis site Clothes on Film, called her armor "probably the most regal costume" in The Force Awakens, and noted it as a reflection of her status. He also felt her cloak, "elegantly slung over one shoulder", was a method of humanizing the character. In-universe, the cloak is the "traditional cape of First Order command". Gill felt her armor called to mind mirrors, symbols of "self-reflection and self-examination", the feelings she brings in Finn when she inadvertently helps inspire him to defect.

Source: Wikipedia

HT 的產品問題不會太大,但這只和早前發售的 First Order Storm Trooper 有著同樣的問題......

先談優點吧!整件外形很美,比例一絕!斗篷的造型表達及鍍銀加風化的上色處理實在是無懈可擊。 QC 亦不錯、放鎗位以磁石接合亦是不錯的點子。配件不算豐富,只有衝鋒槍、斗篷及數對可更換的手掌,謹此而已。

缺點方面,你想像我一樣不用支架站著的話要有一定的覺悟...... 另肩甲對手臂及頸的可動性造成一定的影響。更可怕的是他的可動性...... 與 Iron Man MK-III 如出一轍,大大降低我玩的意慾。



D.M.S. 玩味指數


外型 (40) 34
關節及可動性 (20) 12
配件及 Gimmick (20) 13.5
品質管制/QC (10) 7.5
價錢 (10) 6


Next Sharing

發表於 5-7-2016 18:14:38 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for your sharing >>>>>>>>>>>>>
發表於 5-7-2016 20:44:11 | 顯示全部樓層
I have given up this one by sold the invoice. Thanks for the good photos!
發表於 5-7-2016 21:30:30 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 6-7-2016 14:42:17 | 顯示全部樓層
多謝靚相!睇到我流口水!上個月九號開始派,我現在重未有得攞 …

發表於 6-7-2016 15:08:24 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 6-7-2016 22:50:49 | 顯示全部樓層

底底??? :@ ?????
發表於 7-7-2016 11:39:53 | 顯示全部樓層
alcalc 發表於 6-7-2016 02:42 PM
多謝靚相!睇到我流口水!上個月九號開始派,我現在重未有得攞 …

剛剛講完就收到 msg 有得攞啦!

 樓主| 發表於 9-7-2016 12:46:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Knightmare 發表於 5-7-2016 09:30 PM

................ Same case as Iron Man MK-III, can't move at all for the waist................ {:1_229:}
發表於 9-7-2016 13:58:10 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
電鍍銀好正。可動同普通白兵無異。電鍍配色能夠運用在IM Mark II n V就正
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