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[ZOIDS] 素組zoids 幻象獅

發表於 6-12-2012 18:42:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本身白件已是珍珠色, 素組起來都很好看, zoids 其實我比較喜歡恐龍類型的, 但壽屋真的出得太多獅子...砌到有點悶-_-

發表於 6-12-2012 21:17:47 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 7-12-2012 00:12:40 | 顯示全部樓層
ching 果然厲害, 小弟砌完盾獅同幻象獅後都有點怕, 還有mk2 和zero唔知幾時先有動力砌....
發表於 7-12-2012 11:04:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ygat2005 於 8-12-2012 04:45 PM 編輯

set a target/deadline (maybe some kind of gathering)
leave the parts on desk(reducing the space of working area)

could help/push you to complete the models:58:
發表於 8-12-2012 16:49:38 | 顯示全部樓層
holpfully, SAIX x2 could be completed tomorrow...:75:
 樓主| 發表於 9-12-2012 00:43:58 | 顯示全部樓層
cool man, looking forward to ur finished model. :71:
發表於 9-12-2012 14:36:27 | 顯示全部樓層
素組嗎? 又唔似喎,幾靚
發表於 16-12-2012 00:35:33 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-12-2012 10:17:09 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 16-12-2012 11:53:57 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 9# ORZ3000

Koto's model kit always has pre-paint parts :36:
發表於 16-12-2012 11:56:14 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 8# 歐叉獅子

don't forget my twins:56:
 樓主| 發表於 16-12-2012 13:06:22 | 顯示全部樓層
多謝咁多位回覆^_^正如羊大講,壽屋模型都會有d parts 會預先上色(可能bandai 在日本有專利,其他廠的板件都沒有多色成形),而zoids 入面的油壓臂通常都預先上好金屬色。個人來講壽屋zoids 係愈大件愈抵食,因分色及結構都較好,素組加補色滲線後都有一定質素
發表於 16-12-2012 14:21:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ygat2005 於 16-12-2012 06:04 PM 編輯

回復 12# ECHG

壽屋zoids 係愈大件愈抵食,因分色及結構都較好

no, all the products in HMM series just keep the same standard.

bigger box just mean bigger ZOIDS, the parts, detailing, color is same as the small ZOIDS:36:

check the OOB photos of Koto's ZOIDS,
 樓主| 發表於 16-12-2012 15:54:56 | 顯示全部樓層
:34:我指大件夾抵食純粹指性價比, 小型zoids 如殺手恐龍正價的話都成3百幾, 而zero 或金剛約5百幾至8百, 差額其實唔算大, 但成品的體積、氣勢就有點差距。但當然zoids 其中一個好玩的地方就是它的多樣性, 這不能單從性價比去衡量。
另外我亦贊同壽屋的zoids 無論大小design 係同一standard, 我所指分色及結構,係指zoids 大小與成本間的微妙關係,  例如pteras bomber, 一來有些組件已無法細分, 同時不能分太多板件, 因此好多地方都要masking 上色。結構方面, 大型同小型zoids 的組件係大細同厚度都有點不同, 所以組裝起來, 大型zoids 的強度會好一點
發表於 16-12-2012 18:24:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ygat2005 於 16-12-2012 06:35 PM 編輯

8百幾 - 3百幾 = 500 (差額唔算大? ) could buy another middle - big size Zoids
actually, no. of parts for two $4XX zoids won't less than a big one;

you already paid more to have a bigger toy, this could be pros. for 性價比?

大型同小型zoids 的組件係大細同厚度都有點不同-->大型zoids 的強度會好一點
you forgot the weight of big one is already heavier than the small one, that why it needs a stronger legs to support itself. how could this equal to the strength of joint?

this happens on all HMM ZOIDS, all detailing(e.g.: spring) & weapons need to paint by yourself, the size won't change this...

氣勢? just depend the pose and photo techique;

you just pick an example which adv. for your point.:58:
why nof chose Shadow Fox, the price is less than pteras bomber, but the color, parts is better?

please think deeper before reply / further discuss with me
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