As most of you know, ROTF Voyager is a pretty disappointing release. The colors are all wrong, funky deco, and more looser joints due to Ironhide had prior multiple releases of the same mold. But while most of you may skip this release, I find the new cannons and the new head sculpt serve a very good purpose... upgrading your 07 Movie Ironhide.
Both the new head sculpt and cannons are a lot more screen accurate than the previous. The head sculpt is spot on on Ironhide's likeness with some nice crooked facial feature. Add a lot more accuracy and personality over the old head. The cannons, while being sized a bit funky with the right one really big and the left one a bit small, and a bit oddly colored with the light grey (thanks again Hasbro!), they look cool on the figure still. The light grey cylinder/barrel of the left one might slide around too much, so you might need to unscrew it and do some minor mod to keep it in place. I even flipped it right side up to make it look more accurate. Not sure why Hasbro assembly it the other way around...
The parts are pretty much identical, so swapping arm parts, hands, and cannons are easy. The only tricky part is unscrewing the head, which the screw is located at the bottom end of the neck, and has to half-transform the figure to expose the screw through a gap on the body panels. So get a long enough skinny screw driver and some patience to get the head out. But once thats done, pick and choose any parts of the ROTF Ironhide and swap it with your original.
When everything is in place, and maybe add a little bit of paint touch up, Ironhide can look better than ever, thanks to the ROTF Ironhide.