原文章由 NAVIgator 於 3-9-2007 09:11 AM 發表
metal gear kubrick竟然要抽咁殘忍......
唔知一box可以有幾多set 呢? 知道的話或許可以湊錢爆一box:p
NAVIgator bigbig, i dont think you can collect a full set by buying one box. one box only comes with 24 pcs, and kubrick toys usually have secrets ratio like 1:48 and 1:96...if you get lucky enough, you might get one secret in that box...but very unlikely to draw both secrets from the same box.
原文章由 NAVIgator 於 3-9-2007 10:18 PM 發表
:xif the price is not "sky high"...........
it is impossible for the secret characters:unhappy:
So l adopt the ignore manner towards them:p
There are all my last kubricks......
http ...
Bro NAVIgator,
Great stuffs, especially the batman return box set.:handshake: