非常期待大大偉大無私的分享 最鍾意睇人D收藏品. : P
There may be some kubrick/bearbrick is fake in the market. But its very simple, all of the kubrick/bearbrick is made by Medicom. There is no other manufacture at the moment. Unless you buy some kubrick/bearbrick without box, otherwise, its very easy to verify.
100% agreed with big bro 大師兄 as currently ony Medicom manufacturing kubrick. However, I understand there are some consider "sample" like kubrick on sale in the market. They were also kubrick but perhaps fail to pass QC. I also purchase few of those as I basically find them no difference with the box units.
原文章由 潮流特駒 於 13-8-2007 05:38 PM 發表
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT, 近排家中有煩事, 很小上來(多數回應都係由街上cafe 的computer), 有時上來睇下各bothers回應都好開心, 得閒多d support 啦, thanks :shiny: