reetomove bigbig, very nice pics? is that mega blocks + kubricks?? :?
Bro Stevo,'
I don't have any particular place to get my kubrick now a days. :no: Seems not many shop do kubrick anymore. Anyway, ebay and yahoo is a great platform except fry price come more often....:?
Indeed, I agree that the pics from freetomove is a hybrid of mega block and kubrick. As I've got it as well:shy:
really?? then i must have heard it wrong...but why so hurry to pre-order?? :?:?
潮流特駒 know where i can get the new 400% boba fett with a reasonable price?? :^:^
i agree that Jap yahoo is a great place to search for kubricks, and their bidding prices seem to be low too, however, after shipping cost plus commission's just aint that cheap anymore. :no::no:
does any bigbig also bid kubricks from Jap yahoo?? :?:?
I don't have any particular place to get my kubrick now a days. :no: Seems not many shop do kubrick anymore. Anyway, ebay and yahoo is a great platform except fry price come more ...
thanks bro!! that's a cool rider toy base!! and i really like the mega block's one piece collection too..(with the ship)..:):)