Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Mythsearcher

[其他] 大家最喜歡的Gundam

發表於 8-4-2009 22:17:14 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 8-4-2009 22:56:50 | 顯示全部樓層
the one and only gundam that got me interested in the gundam world:
S-ex gundam from gundam sentinel!

this is i think the first katoki designed gundam(correct me if i am wrong).
there were no tv series, only novels with some model scene as illustration
published under Model Graphix. at that time, the design and also the model
building technique was simply amazing(details please refer to the novels,
and its graphical model illustration book). that was da first step into the
katoki style of gundam like the GFFs we have today. and at that time, the
design of the S-ex, zeta plus, FAZZ, deep striker etc.

Let alone the mecha design took a quantum leap from the likes of zeta,
and double zeta, the story of G-sentinel is also very realistic. gone was the
idea of transforming in battle like Z and ZZ, but rather in S, most of the time
S has to fully transformed before it can be put into battle. And the only instance
which S transforms in mid-battle, Z plus pilot has to sacrifies himself to shield
S from being hit while transforming. This is only one instance of the style of
S in the novel. And only until recently like 5 yrs ago that bandai was able
to buy back the S copyright from model graphix to begin its S-line up products
from MG to the most recent GFF z-plus. the history of the gundam sentinel as
a unique piece in the gundam universe being one of the most popular non-tv
series gundam, the quality and ground breaking production and the emergence
of mr katoki and the spectacular and timeless mecha design in s-ex, z-plus,
deep strike etc are still among the most popular mecha designs of all gundam fans.
發表於 9-4-2009 10:40:39 | 顯示全部樓層
of cause AE社系 GP系列, 弟2係 Nu and Hi-Nu
發表於 13-4-2009 00:31:26 | 顯示全部樓層

[ 本帖最後由 stonekeung01 於 15-4-2009 05:00 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 13-4-2009 10:50:46 | 顯示全部樓層
MSA-0011 S-Gundam and variants. After all this years no redesign needed, still sexy as hell.

Thank god for Katoki Hajime, he is a god sent for all those diehard militarised gundam fans out there.

[ 本帖最後由 fieal 於 13-4-2009 12:55 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 13-4-2009 11:54:25 | 顯示全部樓層
哈... 我係投AE社系O既ZZ高達!!!

其實, 我對佢O既鍾愛, 絕大部份係因為第三次機戰. (超任). 高機動力加高火力(有MAP炮)所以好快佢成為我O既至愛...
發表於 15-4-2009 00:24:28 | 顯示全部樓層
TURN A:71:
發表於 27-4-2009 18:04:41 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 29-4-2009 14:49:05 | 顯示全部樓層
GP01 ground type
RGM-79N GM kai
RGM-79C ground type
.........................後面三隻唔係高達 :oh:
發表於 7-5-2009 17:16:57 | 顯示全部樓層
1st choice: Nu/Hi Nu
2nd choice: GP series (especially GP04)
3rd choice: Ex-S Gundam
發表於 15-5-2009 20:24:11 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks i like the 1st gundam  :71: :71:
發表於 25-5-2009 09:31:40 | 顯示全部樓層
點解冇crossbone...佢係uc唔係外傳, 都唔係F90糸.....定係當佢F97??
仲有NT-1, F91
Crossbone : 海盜風格, 武裝多同特別, abc披肩好型, uc少有(?)近至中距(主近)攻擊gundam, 靈活度高的戰法!!!仲有外加的村正狂刀, 小型核彈頭, 突擊長槍, 狙擊槍等都是既有型且強大的武器!!!!!!

NT-1 : 設計簡潔且有型(藍色~), 懷才不遇的第一架nt專用gundam
F91 : VSBR, MEPE等武器 糸統都十分有型, 而且機體細小, 機動力強, 快, 仲有花瓣狀散熱片好看!!!
發表於 16-6-2009 22:39:27 | 顯示全部樓層




發表於 24-6-2009 12:32:59 | 顯示全部樓層


RX-79[G] 陸戰型高達。

未看過動畫前,就是喜歡它的 180mm cannon 炮,大大支,感覺很強勁。

發表於 30-6-2009 20:59:10 | 顯示全部樓層
G高達...唯一一套格鬥為主的機種...由MS 變為MF...更為接近....超級加真實系的結成品....
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