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[玩具報告] ** 新人報到 with little sharing of my <大合金> 安德魯美達號 **

發表於 16-1-2009 21:22:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 F-14 於 16-7-2010 12:54 PM 編輯

新人報到  請多多指教

Dear all Big Big, I am so excited to be a member of TD and can now have my first post after watching TD for 2 years!  First of all, please accept my apologies for not good at Chinese typing and the inconvenience so caused to some Big Big.

Like many Big Big here, robots and mechanics in the 70's and the 80's animations are my all-time favourites.  I used to build plastic model kits (starting from those 要集齊四細盒才能結合成機械人或戰艦的模型 (by 青島Aoishima?) bought by my father at 舊屋村(七層高)街市的玩具檔 in the early 70's, to Master Grade mobile suits in the 90's) and a few 五星 garage kits, but have ceased since my daughter was born (smell and evaporate of paints and thinner are definitely not good to the health of baby and children).  Completed and small-sized PVC figures have then become my alternatives (e.g. Revoltech, 35MAX, SIC/MR and SCM EX, etc.).  About a year ago, my interest have suddenly turned to 合金 (diecast) toys including cars, warplanes and selected 超合金魂, and even worse, EX合金 in the past months ....
:( .

Being my first post in TD, I would like to share here my 安德魯美達號 of the MARMIT 大合金  series bought about 2 months ago.  I don't think that many people would be interested in this 45cm long spaceship without any gimmicks (i.e. 無 lighting, 無連動砲塔/炮管 as those common features in the 新世紀合金 愛干達號), except for die hard fans of 宇宙戰艦大和號 like me.  Apart from the absence of gimmicks, the ship is not without problems (please see below).

隨影 (非專業 請多多包涵)


先說優點: The main body of this ship is made of diecast so its weight is really very heavy (1 kg).  The shape of the ship is, in my opinion, the best and the most streamlined among all 安德魯美達號 toys/kits I know.  The overall outlook of the ship is not bad indeed when viewed from a distance.


But when you look closer, you will be disappointed by its 粗糙刻線及馬虎手工 of the PVC parts.  Just my bad luck(?), the finishing (mainly 水口和分模線) of the PVC parts on my ship are very 粗糙和求其.  Some small parts (e.g. 砲塔天線) are even glued in the wrong direction.  I need to fix them by myself.  自行加工的地方包括: 替炮管鑽孔, 磨薄艦橋頂部天線,  起出並重新修正貼歪/錯位的 PVC 部件, 和替全艦滲線及做"wash".  If I have more time (which is very limited and precious for parents), the outcome might be better.


As for the painting, the factory has applied very 重手和求其的黑色陰影 on the 淺灰色艦體 (may not be so obvious now after I applied a "wash" on it):

This is the reason why I need to give my ship a "wash" to lower the contrast caused by the 重手陰影 (despite I understand that 安德魯美達號(直至被摧毀前)仍是地球防衛軍的最新型旗艦).  For more information about this product and other shortcomings identified, please refer to (and thank you so much for) Redfish Big Big's unfailing progress report:


總的來說, as a toy player, I would say that the production firm has "no heart" (or, at least, not enough) in the build.  The PVC parts and 刻線 should have been made more finely given the large size of the ship.  Despite all the shortcomings mentioned above, 套用 Garycharm Big Big 在他的EX合金柔王丸玩評中的一句話: "(姑)勿論怎樣,(安德魯美達號)是我其中一隻最想擁有的(合金),終於到手,還是好值得高興的!"  十分亞Q地想, 正正是生產商的粗疏, 反而給了我機會重溫昔日砌模型和舊化的樂趣, 並把我和這艘船的距離拉近了, 亦因為這個緣故驅使我想在這裡分享這件絕不完美但卻很 close 的玩具.



When I watch some interesting toys or articles in TD, I would share with my daughter who is still studying in kindergarten.  Knowing that I am writing this post, my daughter would like to sign a hello in my first post here > :65: and also share her favourite toys below:


Thanks for watching and tolerate this poorly presented post as well as my not professional photos.  I really hope that I could have the chance (and the time) to post other more solid sharings with you all TD Big Big in the future in a better-organised way.

Happy 2009 to all!

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 8-2-2009 06:37 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 16-1-2009 21:27:28 | 顯示全部樓層
多謝分享~~~:78: :78:
發表於 16-1-2009 22:03:52 | 顯示全部樓層
nice star ship!
發表於 16-1-2009 22:47:29 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 16-1-2009 22:51:58 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 4# 的文章

As it is not a popular item, I think, I pre-ordered it from a reputable shop in July.  Please see Redfish Big Big's post for price in Japan Yen.  Thanks for watching.
發表於 16-1-2009 22:54:24 | 顯示全部樓層
I like Andromeda too.  It rocks.:71:
 樓主| 發表於 16-1-2009 23:06:52 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 6# 的文章

But it is sad that there is only very limited choice of its toys in the market.  This one is not bad for die hard fans but you must be prepared to accept its shortcomings, or DIY to fix it  :31:
發表於 16-1-2009 23:32:20 | 顯示全部樓層
I saw a resin garage kit of Andromeda  1-2 years ago.  It's large with about 40 cm long but it's too expensive.....:70:
發表於 16-1-2009 23:33:43 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't know what I can say.................... Only 1 word..............

SUPPORT!!  :71: :71: :71:
發表於 17-1-2009 00:58:06 | 顯示全部樓層
" 要集齊四細盒才能結合成機械人 " :65: we are same year !! haha !! :78: thz sharing n wellcome to td discuss , pls enjoy yrs td ( toys / second ) life !! :) ps. i also like 安德魯美達號 !!
 樓主| 發表於 17-1-2009 07:29:39 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 8# 的文章

Really glad to know that I am not alone in loving 安德魯美達號.  For such a big resin cast model you said, one must spend much more time on the 上灰 and polishing.  Plenty of paint (and $) and time will also be required.  The above are all prohibited in my home in view of the nuisance to be caused to family members.  Moreover, as I recall (please correct me if I am wrong), the shape and outlook of the garage kit is not better than Marmit's.  Thanks for watching and your sharing indeed.
發表於 17-1-2009 08:13:51 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 17-1-2009 09:13:16 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 10# 的文章

According to my memory, (1) I had never successfully collected a completed set of 4 boxes (usually 2 to maximum 3 only), but little child did not have 怨念 about it, and re-stock or re-issue was completely out of question at that time;   (2) 玩具檔 (always crowded by kids) 的事頭婆 was (and is) always very 惡.
Thanks for watching.

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 17-1-2009 08:00 PM 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 17-1-2009 20:29:55 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 9# 的文章

德哥, I almost forget to thank you for your "encouragement" in the following post. :75:
Without it, I could not make up my mind to buy this "dream toy" of mine. :70:

[ 本帖最後由 F-14 於 17-1-2009 08:38 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 17-1-2009 20:41:41 | 顯示全部樓層
welcome bigbig ~
And you are a Harlock fan as well !
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