原帖由 genesicgaogaiga 於 10-11-2006 01:21 發表
Would you be interested in becoming a member of this Yusha link. We can just do the same thing as Saber Club and put a list of 會員列表 in this link. So that we can share our XP with those who are ...
This is sucha good idea ar big big!!! I think we should do that too!!! Putme in your member list hehehe.
P.S. Big Big yourSD Yushaare so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think 獅人鳳 CMs brave 04 is just an average toy... as commented by Genesicgaogaiga big big, it's a bit plastic, and the very final doesn't look that good... a bit of DX version feeling...