Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: genesicgaogaiga

【勇者@toysdaily: Yusha net updated in Japan 4/9/09

發表於 28-1-2007 22:45:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Heero 於 25-1-2007 02:21 AM 發表

Half Eye Studio 製品一覽

發表於 29-1-2007 00:35:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 genesicgaogaiga 於 28-1-2007 10:25 PM 發表

If you are looking for something 做形靚 d, you should buy 山口's GGGG.

正版 Kotobukiya's GGGG. is quite difficult to find in shop. You can still find it on Yahoo auction japan or Yahoo HKG.


 樓主| 發表於 29-1-2007 00:54:26 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 追夢者 於 28-1-2007 10:45 PM 發表


Beware: They are not 勇者機械人 but 超重神s.

Don't miss them. Get them now!

Some poison for you!

[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 29-1-2007 01:35 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 29-1-2007 09:46:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 追夢者 於 28-1-2007 10:45 PM 發表


請問在那裏可以買到呢... 近排勇者機械人毒發作....:sad:
可否告訴給我知呢....  (係唔係超重神)
同埋請問係邊間廠出ga... ?  膠定figure,, ? 定係白件要組合的figure 呢 ?
萬分感謝呢... :shy:
 樓主| 發表於 29-1-2007 13:29:26 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 jabberwock 於 29-1-2007 09:46 AM 發表

請問在那裏可以買到呢... 近排勇者機械人毒發作....:sad:
可否告訴給我知呢....  (係唔係超重神)
同埋請問係邊間廠出ga... ?  膠定figure,, ? 定係白件要組合的figure 呢 ?
萬分感謝呢... :shy:

They are not 勇者機械人 but 超重神s.

The left one is resin cast 白件 fixed kit from アトリエ彩, and you need to build it by yourself.
You can buy it in Wanchai & MGK.
(mine was a genuine one from WF2006 winter)

The right one is the SHE transformable version. You will need to buy 3 boxes (God Gravion, Gravion Sigma & Sol Gravion)  before you can build your Ultimate Gravion. These 3 Gravion wil be reissued in  this year.

[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 29-1-2007 01:34 PM 編輯 ]
發表於 30-1-2007 10:13:27 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 genesicgaogaiga 於 29-1-2007 01:29 PM 發表

They are not 勇者機械人 but 超重神s.

The left one is resin cast 白件 fixed kit from ヤЬэリ彩, and you need to build it by yourself.
You can buy it in Wanchai & ...
The right one is the SHE transformable version. You will need to buy 3 boxes (God Gravion, Gravion Sigma & Sol Gravion)  before you can build your Ultimate Gravion. These 3 Gravion wil be reissued in  this year.

明白... thx GGGG ...
但都係有D 唔明想問... What is the SHE transformable version ? 係邊間廠出GA.. ? 咁佢係合金定係 PVC figure 來ga ?  (有冇網站可以看一看ga... )
成日都咁多問題問大家. 不好意思呢... 希望各位大大可以幫一幫小弟呢... :sad:
發表於 30-1-2007 11:24:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 jabberwock 於 30-1-2007 10:13 AM 發表

明白... thx GGGG ...
但都係有D 唔明想問... What is the SHE transformable version ? 係邊間廠出GA.. ? 咁佢係合金定係 PVC figure 來ga ?  (有冇網站可以看一看ga... )
成日都咁多問題問大家.  ...

SHE is the factory that make the toy. The full name is Studio Halfeye. All the toys are Fully finished (painted) Resin Cast. They have 3 lines of toy.


最小変形 - the smallest transformable resin cast toy (fully finished). Very small in scale. Transformation require some changing parts. Good for display and play with. Cost around 1k each product.

完全変形 - the biggest toy from Studio Halfeye. It can fully transform without any removal and change of parts. The best examply is the Getter Robot!!! In the box there are 3 planes, and they can transform and combine into all 3 different mode! It even hide the double axe in the getter shoulders. Absolutely no change part required. Another example is Gaofighgar and Goldion Hammer. Price around 3.5k to +5K

完全変形CV - Medium size toy. Fully transformable. Less detail compare to 完全変形. For example, Getter Robot can be fully transform, but only able to transform into 1 mode (Getter 1 or Getter 2). Price around +3K.

The following are the link to Studio Halfeye:

Getter Robot Full Transformable
Real Getter 1 Full Transform CV
Smallest Transform Getter 1

This is Studio Halfeye Main page link
 樓主| 發表於 30-1-2007 12:47:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you Monutal for explanation of SHE. SHE and CMS are shops that Yusha fans would most frequently come across in nowadays.

Just for your information, SHE would update their progress on the new items on every Thursday.

The latest building items are 破邪大星弾劾凰, Gaiking the great part 2 & 3, 神魂合体-ゴッドダイナ, 地球防衛企業, 勇者エクスカイザー-ダイノガイスト & 魔神英雄伝-邪虎丸. I have ordered the Gaiking the great and would definitely order the 破邪大星弾劾凰.
發表於 30-1-2007 12:54:55 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 genesicgaogaiga 於 30-1-2007 12:47 PM 發表
Thank you Monutal for explanation of SHE. SHE and CMS are shops that Yusha fans would most frequently come across in nowadays.

Just for your information, SHE would update their progress on the  ...

I will buy 魔神英雄伝-邪虎丸 for sure!
 樓主| 發表於 2-2-2007 00:30:39 | 顯示全部樓層

DX 友情合体 Great Baan Gaan


The CMs Great Baan Gaan will be released in the same way as DX GGGG. i.e.ordinary color version by online ordering via CMs website or  宮沢模流通 limited. The release date would be in early July.

From the XP of DX GGGG, it is likely that this kit would be as large as DX GGGG. Besides it should be quite expensive.

Which version should I order??
Should I order both versions???


[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 2-2-2007 12:41 AM 編輯 ]
發表於 2-2-2007 01:56:17 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 genesicgaogaiga 於 2-2-2007 12:30 AM 發表
Which version should I order??
Should I order both versions???

如果真係去到 DX GGGG 果個級數的話, 根據經驗係應該等....DX GGGG 後來都出左改定版....
Great Baan Gaan 遲遲都未能夠推出, 好可能係 desgin / production 遇到困難, 令 CM's 唔敢輕舉妄動,
Great Baan Gaan 的複雜程度比 GGGG 有過之而無不及, 買第一手未必係好事....
 樓主| 發表於 2-2-2007 02:05:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Heero 於 2-2-2007 01:56 AM 發表

如果真係去到 DX GGGG 果個級數的話, 根據經驗係應該等....DX GGGG 後來都出左改定版....
Great Bagaan 遲遲都未能夠推出, 好可能係 design / production 遇到困難, 令 CM's 唔敢輕舉妄動,
Great Bagaan 的 ...

That is why CMS told me that they have to defer the release date from Spring to early July. (complexity of the Great Baan Gaan)
CMS refused to release it as ordinary toy in this time. There should be some form of reason behind.
According to CMs ,they will only release a new toy if the expected consumption would be >500 pieces. Since they are now releasing it in a DX version and ordering is done by online, it is likely that they are also afraid of the sale. So they would rather prefer building one by one according to the no. of order.

Though I also hope that the DX Great Gaan Baan would not have the same problem of defective early DX GGGG e.g. loosen hips and failure in fitting tail etc.

Since I would not be ordering it directly from their booth in this time, it would not possible for me to get a free revised version again. I really hope that they will do a better job in this time!!:^
發表於 2-2-2007 10:35:15 | 顯示全部樓層
Wah GGGG big big that's bad news for me leh...
I am a bit refuse to buy the DX version... hoping it will release the Brave version instead...

From DXGGGG experence the DX version is really a test type... they may have a chance to release a improved version in Brave scale, just like Brave 03. If that's going to be the case I rather get Brave version. And my house do not have such space for a DX toy... it's way too big...
發表於 2-2-2007 11:00:21 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2-2-2007 12:51:14 | 顯示全部樓層
原文章由 Monutal 於 2-2-2007 10:35 AM 發表
Wah GGGG big big that's bad news for me leh...
I am a bit refuse to buy the DX version... hoping it will release the Brave version instead...

From DXGGGG experence the DX version is really a te ...

I would still go for it as I would like to have something large to pair with my DX GGGG and Yujin GFG.
Space would not be my great concern at the PRESENT moment as I have already reserved a place for my large sized Yusha in
my new home's toy cabinet. I just hope that there would be no need for revision of this DX GBG in future.

[ 本文章最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 2-2-2007 11:59 PM 編輯 ]
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