Toysdaily 玩具日報

樓主: Godzima

[分享討論] SDF-1, The TD MACROSS Brotherhood

發表於 7-8-2008 18:07:19 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 OST 於 7-8-2008 04:55 PM 發表

其實好多舖頭都係咁, 玩具舖真係好難做:42:

Actually the owner is quite nice, I have found many good things there.
發表於 8-8-2008 08:16:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Warmblood 於 7-8-2008 04:04 PM 發表

these custom are really nice!!!!
發表於 8-8-2008 15:20:51 | 顯示全部樓層
等左成朝都冇人講野, 唯有扒下文, 睇番基地之前既post, 了解下各巴打, 由香港到內地工作, 由4百多呎至4千多呎既大屋, 由千多元至幾萬元既display櫃, 仲有各巴打既作品.....大開眼界:handshake:
發表於 8-8-2008 15:51:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Panzer 於 7-8-2008 04:28 PM 發表
[quote]原帖由 Warmblood 於 7-8-2008 04:24 PM 發表

不過唔知是否 W/GHOST BOXEST裝.....我走漏

Available at 2/F Causeway Bay Centre with Ghos ...

..haa.. you guys buy from Leo too.. I go there 4 times a week :(
發表於 8-8-2008 16:40:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 bigsnake 於 8-8-2008 03:20 PM 發表
等左成朝都冇人講野, 唯有扒下文, 睇番基地之前既post, 了解下各巴打, 由香港到內地工作, 由4百多呎至4千多呎既大屋, 由千多元至幾萬元既display櫃, 仲有各巴打既作品.....大開眼界:handshake:

hehe, 細有細玩, 大有大玩

突然有股衝動:* , 想掉晒d 1/48盒, 咁間屋仔應該會實用好多:$
發表於 8-8-2008 18:31:17 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 bigsnake 於 8-8-2008 03:20 PM 發表

發表於 9-8-2008 08:56:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 roundbun 於 8-8-2008 03:51 PM 發表

..haa.. you guys buy from Leo too.. I go there 4 times a week :(

I usually go there on Sat. He will be moving to Kln when the tenancy agreement end. So the 2nd fl will be Phi's colony then.
發表於 9-8-2008 12:50:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 OST 於 8-8-2008 04:40 PM 發表

hehe, 細有細玩, 大有大玩

突然有股衝動:* , 想掉晒d 1/48盒, 咁間屋仔應該會實用好多:$

之前見過丫烏有人放d吉盒上去, 條友齊晒所有1/48, 連weathering果隻都有, 我諗佢志在晒料
發表於 9-8-2008 12:53:32 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Panzer 於 9-8-2008 08:56 AM 發表

I usually go there on Sat. He will be moving to Kln when the tenancy agreement end. So the 2nd fl will be Phi's colony then.

銅鑼灣我好少去, 如果佢搬去九龍我就方便d, 知唔知搬去咩位置
發表於 9-8-2008 17:57:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 bigsnake 於 9-8-2008 12:50 PM 發表

之前見過丫烏有人放d吉盒上去, 條友齊晒所有1/48, 連weathering果隻都有, 我諗佢志在晒料

係呀, 一草一個, 但俾我就寧願掉左左, 拍賣費都一蚊啦, 又要約交收, 好麻煩啫:80:
發表於 10-8-2008 00:03:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Panzer 於 9-8-2008 08:56 AM 發表

I usually go there on Sat. He will be moving to Kln when the tenancy agreement end. So the 2nd fl will be Phi's colony then.

Yeh, fili & indo are always stuffed inside the mall especially on sundays... sitting & eating all around.
I think he gonna take a break first then consider out's point to get rid of as many items as he can.
Have you been to his warehouse before?
發表於 10-8-2008 09:47:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 roundbun 於 10-8-2008 12:03 AM 發表

Yeh, fili & indo are always stuffed inside the mall especially on sundays... sitting & eating all around.
I think he gonna take a break first then consider out's point to get rid of as many items ...

I did not go to his warehouse but he said there is still plenty of old stock there. I visited yesterday and VT-1 is still available! The banner outside said he will close in mid-Sept.
發表於 10-8-2008 09:49:06 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 OST 於 8-8-2008 04:40 PM 發表

hehe, 細有細玩, 大有大玩

突然有股衝動:* , 想掉晒d 1/48盒, 咁間屋仔應該會實用好多:$

No need to throw away, just remove the inner packing and compress the box.
發表於 10-8-2008 09:51:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 bigsnake 於 9-8-2008 12:53 PM 發表

銅鑼灣我好少去, 如果佢搬去九龍我就方便d, 知唔知搬去咩位置

May be xx-point as brother roundbun said, its up to Leo's final decision. If that's the case, I can go there after work.
發表於 12-8-2008 22:34:55 | 顯示全部樓層
News: 1/48 Blue & Red 1J arrived at XX point today.
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