從現在的辭海,字典上溯到最早的辭海草稿,都沒有玩具這樣一個詞條。現代漢語詞典中的定義是: 「專供兒童玩兒的東西」。顯然,面對成人玩具,老人玩具風糜京城的今天,已經需要補充內容了。
A toy is an object used in play. Toys are usually associated with children and pets, but it is not unusual for adult humans and some non-domesticated animals to play with toys. Many items are manufactured to serve as toys, but items produced for other purposes can also be used as toys. A child may pick up a household item and 'fly' it around pretending that it is an airplane, or an animal might play with a pinecone by batting at it, biting it, chasing it, and throwing it up in the air. Some toys are produced primarily as collector's items and are not intended to be played with.
toy (n.)
c.1303, "amorous playing, sport," later "piece of fun or entertainment" (c.1500), "thing of little value, trifle" (1530), and "thing for a child to play with" (1586). Of uncertain origin, and there may be more than one word here. Cf. M.Du. toy, Du. tuig "tools, apparatus, stuff, trash," in speeltuig "play-toy, plaything;" Ger. Zeug "stuff, matter, tools," Spielzeug "plaything, toy;" Dan. tøi, Swed. tyg "stuff, gear." The verb is first attested 1529, from the noun.
"If he be merie and toy with any,
His wife will frowne, and words geve manye."
["Song of the Bachelor's Life," 16c.]
至於玩具與藝術可否兼容並蓄,我都一度認為無可能,不過在找上面的東西時勾起記憶中幾樣東西泰迪熊teddy bear,音樂盒,電動火車這幾樣東西,音樂盒今天已經入於藝術品之列,過去它也是玩具的一員,teddy bear可能暫未何列入藝術品之列,但以經有不少藝術家用其為主體去表現藝術的美感,再退一步而言也有不少朋友溶入自己的心思一針一針的將teddy bear製成出色的工藝品,離藝術品可以只是一步之遙.電動火車我不多說了,反正那些火車迷也懶得理其他人怎樣看,他們有自己的一片天地,但作為外人應該也曾經被一個精緻無比的火車情景吸引著而入神的經驗,藝術如否看來不重要了.
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